Microgrants/Microgrants 2020/Proposal/Map Eastern DRCongo

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Map Eastern DRCongo
OSM Eastern DRCongo, is a small community founded to contribute to OSM and build an OSM Community which will promote OSM in Eastern DRCongo. With the last flooding in Uvira South Kivu, where 77 790 people have been affected. OSM Eastern DRCongo is currently mapping Uvira(South Kivu, DRCongo) for emergencies and disaster preparedness
budget (Euro)€ 5,000.00
grant_typeOrganization openstreetmapestrdcongo@gmail.com
location(s)Bukavu, South-Kivu, DRCongo
contact(s)• openstreetmapestrdcongo@gmail.com +243 972 887 465• Twitter: Marcelshabani

About your Mapping Community

Tell us a little bit about your mapping community at the moment, some examples of details to include are below, but please provide us with any information you think is relevant. Please write 100-200 words

OSM Eastern DRCongo is a small community in Eastern of the Democratic Republic of the Congo created by MarcelBag member of the OSMF. The community is currently working and updating Eastern DRCongo Map. OpenStreetMap has remain unknown to the most Congolese in Eastern DRCongo and with all the difficulties which has been occurred in the past, we would like to update the Eastern Congo starting in Bukavu South Kivu and then in Goma North Kivu as NGOs, Government and all the community may use the OSM Data for disaster response and preparedness, emergencies and many more. Currently we are mapping Uvira, which is the second city of South Kivu where the community have been affected with flooding. I have been mapping since 2017. Currently I am alone but hopefully our mapping team will grow soon as we're planning to start a girl mapping chapter.

What do you need the grant money for?

We want to understand what you plan to buy, how much you plan to buy, and why this will help you to scale your community mapping efforts. There are two tables for you to fill in your response, and you may add more rows as needed. Some examples are in the table for your reference. You are welcome to use a different format in your response, but please make sure to include these details.

OSM Eastern DRCongo is aim to map and train the community on the use of OSM data. As the project will start on the lock down and continue after the lock down, we want to continue mapping Uvira the second city of South Kivu (DRCongo) which have been affected with flooding as is the most needed data currently and then updating the map of Bukavu the Capital of South Kivu province on the second step We would like to train student doing remote mapping supporting them to map schools and other facilities OSM. In collaboration with local school and universities we're planning to make Mapathons and create students chapters first they be running remotely up to the end of the lock down. With girls schools in Bukavu we're planning to open soon a girl map chapter in their schools.

Budget breakdown

Give your budget breakdown here. If you would like to present your budget in a tabular format, you can use this tool to convert your spreadsheet into a wikitable and paste the code below here

Item What do you

plan to spend

the money on?


cost per unit

(in Euros)

Expected cost

per unit (in Euros)

Expected total

cost (in Euros)

Why is it needed? (please give as much detail as possible)
1 Internet € 125 per month 12 months € 1,500 We want to get internet for our office where our team will be mapping and validating
2 Network data bundles € 100 per


20 Maphatons € 2,000 Conducting webinar during this lock down and as school in our region will resume soon as we do not currently have Covid-19 cases, we will be conducting webinar on introduction to OSM, bundles will be serve to make easier for student to get internet access and attend online webinar. After the lock down will continue mapathon which and as schools do not have internet access, modems will help sharing the internet with student as it still expensive for every school get internet access.
3 Computer € 300 2 Laptops € 600 Our community need computer for two mappers who will be joining the team
4 Android Smartphones € 200 2 € 400 Android Smartphones will allow us to collect data with Kobo collect, map with Maps.me

and make street view imagery with Mapillary.

5 Solar Panel system € 500 1 € 500 Electricity is one of the big challenge in Eastern Drcongo. Having our Solar panel system will contribute a

lot in our work achievement.

Total € 5,000.00

If you receive a grant, what do you aim to achieve?

It is recommended that this supports mission of the OSM Foundation and your local community. Please provide us with any information you think is relevant including the metrics you expect to achieve. Please write 100-200 words.

My achievement will consist of

  • Having Eastern DRCongo well mapped on OSM and
  • Having a nice street level imagery covering Bukavu and Goma (South and North Kivu)
  • Having both secondary and university student OSM chapters
  • Having a well represented and strong OSM Community in Eastern DRCongo

Do you receive funding from any other sources at the moment?

If you receive funding from other organisations currently, please state how much this is, whether the donations are regular or one off, and how these funds have been raised. Please write no more than 300 words. If you have any sources of co-funding for this grant application, please provide details. Examples of this might be if you have any partners who would be willing to match grant funding if you receive it, or if your project has existing funding. Please provide as much detail as possible.

We do not currently have any funding

Is there anything you would like OSMF to support you with?

If there is anything which you would like OSMF to support you with in order to strengthen your project, please let us know. For example, this could include building relationships with OSM communities, sourcing updated imagery for mapping projects, or guidance on how to use some of the tools we have created. We want to do our best to support OSM communities, so please let us know what you need. Please write no more than 150 words.

Yes, we would like the OSMF to visit or send experienced trainers to our community in the future.


By submitting this form to the OpenStreetMap Foundation, you certify the information contained in this application is correct, and that if you are awarded a grant, you will use it only for the purposes described above. You will provide written documentation and receipts for all of your expenses to the OSM Foundation to demonstrate this. You understand that the decisions made by the OSM Foundation Microgrants committee are final.

Marcel Shabani


Community members are encouraged to endorse your project request here!