Microgrants/Microgrants 2020/Proposal/Mapping Conakry Health facilities to help the planning of COVID19 Outbreak
About your Mapping Community
Tell us a little bit about your mapping community at the moment, some examples of details to include are below, but please provide us with any information you think is relevant. Please write 100-200 words
Ayant commencé mes activités de cartographie sous OSM depuis Août 2016, j’ai travaillé avec différentes organisations avant de mettre en place la communauté « FreeLocalMappers ». Elle est basée à Conakry, République de Guinée avec pour objectif de mettre en place un réseau national actif de contributeurs dans la production de l’information géographique ainsi que promouvoir le développement durable à travers l'usage des données ouvertes (Open Data) dans le pays. Créée depuis Août 2019, elle compte en son sein 14 membres dont 8 femmes et 6 hommes.
Having started my mapping activities under OSM since August 2016, I worked with different organizations before setting up the "FreeLocalMappers" community. It is based in Conakry, Republic of Guinea with the objective of setting up an active national network of contributors in the production of geographic information as well as promoting sustainable development through the use of open data in the country. Created since August 2019, it has 14 members, including 8 women and 6 men.
What do you need the grant money for?
We want to understand what you plan to buy, how much you plan to buy, and why this will help you to scale your community mapping efforts. There are two tables for you to fill in your response, and you may add more rows as needed. Some examples are in the table for your reference. You are welcome to use a different format in your response, but please make sure to include these details.
FreeLocalMappers est une jeune organisation. Notre but est de Promouvoir l’usage de l’information géographique et l’ouverture des données auprès des acteurs privés, publics et communautaires ainsi qu’en milieu estudiantin pour le développement durable du pays. Avec pour objectif de mettre en place un réseau national actif de contributeurs dans la production de l’information géographique ainsi que de promouvoir le développement durable à travers l’usage des données ouvertes (Open Data) en Guinée, réalisé ce projet nous permettra de renforcer notre présence dans le domaine des Open Data dans le pays tout en nous dotant de quelques équipements. Ces équipement (Ordinateurs, Smartphones, moyens logistiques…) nous permettront d’accroitre nos champs d’action et d’enrôler plusieurs bénévoles avec lesquels nous travaillerons à produire et améliorer la donnée sous OSM tout en faisant la promotion de son usage.
FreeLocalMappers is a young organization. Our goal is to Promote the use of geographic information and the opening of data to private, public and community actors as well as in student circles for the sustainable development of the country. With the objective of setting up an active national network of contributors in the production of geographic information as well as promoting sustainable development through the use of open data in Guinea, this project will allow us to strengthen our presence in the field of Open Data in the country while providing us with some equipment. This equipment (Computers, Smartphones, logistics…) will allow us to increase our fields of action and to enlist several volunteers with whom we will work to produce and improve the data under OSM while promoting its use.
Budget breakdown
Give your budget breakdown here. If you would like to present your budget in a tabular format, you can use this tool to convert your spreadsheet into a wikitable and paste the code below here
Item | What do you plan to spend the money on? | Expected cost per unit (in Euros) | Quantity you plan to buy / subscription length | Expected total cost (in Euros) | Why is it needed? (please give as much detail as possible) |
1 | Ordinateurs | € 488.81 | 3 Unités | € 1466.43 | Les ordinateurs serviront à traiter, analyser et publier les données sur OSM ainsi qu’à produire les cartes devant être remises aux différents acteurs de la riposte contre le COVID-19. Plusieurs membres de notre organisation ne disposent pas d’outils informatique (Ordinateurs, smartphones…) d’autant plus que notre organisation vient de voir le jour. Ainsi, ce projet nous permettra d’acquérir quelques équipements qui serviront aux formations et renforcement capacitaires de nos volontaires ainsi qu’à la mobilisation de nouveaux contributeurs.
The computers will be used to process, analyze and publish the data on OSM as well as to produce the maps to be given to the various players in the response to COVID-19. Several members of our organization do not have computer tools (Computers, smartphones ...) especially since our organization has just seen the light of day. Thus, this project will allow us to acquire some equipment which will be used for training and capacity building of our volunteers as well as for the mobilization of new contributors. |
2 | Smartphones | € 195.52 | 5 unités | € 977.6 | Les smartphones serviront à la collecte des informations sur les structures sanitaires à travers l’outil KOBO Toolbox et Mapillary.
Smartphones will be used to collect information on health facilities through the KOBO Toolbox and Mapillary. |
3 | Connexion Internet (FlyBoxe) | € 127.09 | 1 unité | € 127.09 | La flyboxe permettra d’obtenir un abonnement à la connexion internet et de la partager avec les différents utilisateurs y compris après la réalisation de ce projet. La connexion internet servira à envoyer les données collectées sur les serveurs KOBO, OSM et Mapillary. Par ailleurs, nous envisageons d’utiliser cette connexion pour mapper le bâti de la ville de Conakry.
The flybox will allow you to obtain a subscription to the internet connection and share it with the various users, including after the completion of this project. The internet connection will be used to send the data collected on the KOBO, OSM and Mapillary servers. In addition, we plan to use this connection to map the city of Conakry. |
4 | Connexion Internet (abonnement) | € 51.81 | 6 Mois | € 310.86 | |
5 | Moto | € 778.79 | 2 unités | € 1557.94 | Disposant déjà de 2 motos, ces motos supplémentaires seront utilisées individuellement par les volontaires qui seront en charge de collecter les informations sur le terrain afin de nous éviter la location couteuse de véhicules.
Already having 2 motorcycles, these additional motorcycles will be used individually by the volunteers who will be in charge of collecting information in the field in order to avoid costly rental of vehicles. |
6 | Carburant | € 0.88 | 252 litres (42 Jours X 1.5 Litre/Jour X 4 Motos) | € 221.76 | Le carburant est destiné aux 4 motos. L’activité de collecte durera 42 jours et chacune de ces motos nécessitera au moins 1.5 litres par jour.
The fuel is intended for the 4 motorcycles. The collection activity will last 42 days and each of these motorcycles will require at least 1.5 liters per day. |
7 | Supports de smartphones pour moto
Motorcycle smartphone holders |
€ 11.73 | 4 unités | € 46.92 | Les supports des smartphones serviront pour la capture des images à travers Mapillary.
The smartphone supports will be used for capturing images through Mapillary. |
8 | Impression de cartes
€ 9.78 | 15 Unités | € 146.7 | Au terme de l’activité, nous allons imprimer des cartes thématiques et des cartes de simulations que nous allons mettre à la disposition du Gouvernement guinéen et de tous les acteurs de la riposte contre le COVID-19 en Guinée.
At the end of the activity, we will print thematic maps and simulation maps that we will make available to the Guinean Government and to all actors in the response against COVID-19 in Guinea. |
Total | € 4 987.9 |
If you receive a grant, what do you aim to achieve?
It is recommended that this supports mission of the OSM Foundation and your local community. Please provide us with any information you think is relevant including the metrics you expect to achieve. Please write 100-200 words.
L’apparition du COVID19 a mis à nu les difficultés de l’Etat Guinéen à faire face à cette épidémie par manque d’information. Afin de pouvoir planifier adéquatement ses actions, il est primordial de connaitre la capacité maximale qu’offrent les structures de santé du pays. Conakry étant l’épicentre de l’épidémie et la ville la plus peuplé du pays ainsi que celle qui concentre la plupart des structures sanitaires, il est opportun de pouvoir identifier exhaustivement les forces et les faiblesses de son système de santé. L’usage de l’information géographique étant un élément indispensable dans la planification et la gestion des crises, nous souhaitons cartographier les structures sanitaires de la ville avec certaines informations pouvant aider le gouvernement guinéen ainsi que les autorités sanitaires en charge de la riposte contre la pandémie à efficacement planifier ses actions. Ces informations seront entre autres le nombre de structures sanitaires existantes, leurs localisations, les services qu’elles offrent, leurs capacités maximales d’accueil en situation d’urgence ainsi que leurs voies d’accès.
The appearance of COVID19 has exposed the difficulties of the Guinean State in coping with this epidemic for lack of information. In order to be able to plan its actions adequately, it is essential to know the maximum capacity offered by the country's health structures. As Conakry is the epicenter of the epidemic and the most populous city in the country, as well as the hub of most of the health facilities, it is timely to be able to fully identify the strengths and weaknesses of its health system. The use of geographic information being an essential element in planning and crisis management, we want to map the city's health structures with certain information that can help the Guinean government as well as the health authorities in charge of the response against pandemic to effectively plan its actions. This information will include, among other things, the number of existing health facilities, their locations, the services they offer, their maximum emergency accommodation capacities as well as their access routes.
Do you receive funding from any other sources at the moment?
If you receive funding from other organisations currently, please state how much this is, whether the donations are regular or one off, and how these funds have been raised. Please write no more than 300 words. If you have any sources of co-funding for this grant application, please provide details. Examples of this might be if you have any partners who would be willing to match grant funding if you receive it, or if your project has existing funding. Please provide as much detail as possible.
Is there anything you would like OSMF to support you with?
If there is anything which you would like OSMF to support you with in order to strengthen your project, please let us know. For example, this could include building relationships with OSM communities, sourcing updated imagery for mapping projects, or guidance on how to use some of the tools we have created. We want to do our best to support OSM communities, so please let us know what you need. Please write no more than 150 words.
Nous aimerons pouvoir produire des cartes graphiques affichant des statistiques, donc nous auront besoin d’un renforcement capacitaire d’au moins 2 de nos membres à pouvoir le faire avec les outils Open Source disponible.
We would like to be able to produce graphics cards displaying statistics, so we will need a capacity building of at least 2 of our members to be able to do this with the Open Source tools available.
By submitting this form to the OpenStreetMap Foundation, you certify the information contained in this application is correct, and that if you are awarded a grant, you will use it only for the purposes described above. You will provide written documentation and receipts for all of your expenses to the OSM Foundation to demonstrate this. You understand that the decisions made by the OSM Foundation Microgrants committee are final.
I, Abdoulaye DIALLO/ Ismaeldiarria, agree to follow the above declaration.
Community members are encouraged to endorse your project request here!