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This article or section may contain out-of-date information. The information may no longer be correct, or may no longer have relevance.
If you know about the current state of affairs, please help keep everyone informed by updating this information. (Discussion)
Author: Karl Meyer
License: GNU General Public License
Platforms: Windows and Palm OS
Status: Broken
Version: 1.6 (2009-05-24)
Language: English
Website: ???
Source code: http://
Programming language: HB++

OSM2PALM is a set of applications for the PALM PDAs in cooperation with Windows PCs. The PALM application is called Osmtiles.

  • Developer: Karl Meyer
  • License Type: Freeware
  • Target platform: PalmOS 4.x und Windows
  • Dev. tools: HB++ und VB5


Please see at the homepage of the software


The set consists of a Windows application to download the tiles from the internet and convert them. The Palm application displays the tiles on the PALM and display the current position of an attached Bluetooth GPS. Additionally, POIs can be saved into a GPX file.
For more details please see at the homepage of the programm.
