OpenSeaMap auf iOS

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En US fon 568 01 main free chartplotter@2x.png
Author: Helge Staedtler
License: Proprietary
Platform: iOS
Version: 3.0 (2016-08-16)
German, English, and French

App for searching and offline caching

Feature Value
Map Display
Display map yes
Map data raster
Source online;cache;offline
Rotate map no
3D view no
Shows website
Shows phone number
Shows operation hours
Routing no
Create route manually
Calculate route
Create route via Waypoints
Routing profiles
Turn restrictions
Calculate route without Internet (Offline routing)
Routing providers
Avoid traffic
Traffic Provider
Navigate no
Find location yes
Find nearby POIs
Navigate to point no
Navigation with voice / Voice guidance
Keep on road
Lane guidance
Works without GPS yes
Navigate along predefined route
Make track no
Customizable log interval
Track formats
Fast POI buttons
Upload GPX to OSM
Monitoring yes
Show current track
Open existing track no
Altitude diagram no
Show POD value yes
Satellite view no
Show live NMEA data no
Show speed
Send current position
Add POIs no
Edit / Delete POIs
Add way
Edit geometries
Edit arbitrary tags of existing OSM objects
Edit relations
View notes
Create notes
Edit notes
Work offline
Support imagery offset DB
Upload to OSM no

App for OpenSeaMap

OpenSeaMap auf iOS is a free-of-charge app for OpenSeaMap running on iOS devices such as the iPhone, iPod and iPad.


  • worldwide map
  • downloaded map tiles are stored locally in cache
  • your current position is shown in the center of the screen
  • just swipe and pinch on the map to zoom in and pan around
  • search for cities and locations
  • quick zoom feature for optical zoom only
  • precise zoom buttons
  • copy coordinates to pasteboard
  • night vision mode
  • overlay of weather data maptiles (temperature, pressue, precipitation, waves, wind)

Technology & Language

The app uses OpenStreetMap combined with the OpenSeaMap layer and is targeted at sailors and ocean navigators. The app is internationalized for French, English and German languages.


If you need help or have any technical issue with the app you can get support at following e-mail address:


OpenSeaMap is a worldwide project for creating a free nautical chart, founded in 2009. Not just lights and other nautical infos are provided, but also various info layers like weather data, information about harbours and so on. OpenSeaMap is part of OpenStreetMap and uses the same database, but adds information specifically for nautical activities.

History of Origins

OpenSeaMap auf iOS is a spinoff of the app Seewetter Pro. It is available free of charge, but lacks some features of Seewetter Pro such as weather forecasts and Navtex messages. The map functionality is based upon the Route-me framework. The code changes made to the Route-me-Framework to make this work will soon be made public, too.