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A perl interface to the Open Source Routing Machine aimed to perform simple queries to the program and handle starting/stopping and making data.


The osrm.pm must be inside the same folder where the executables routed, extractLargeNetwork and createHierarchy are.


v.0.1.1-Fix and improvement on the forking and killing steps

v.0.1 -Initial release


startserver($mainfile) - starts routed with the main .osrm file

killserver() - cause it must be shot to death when finishes its job (otherwise it will live in background, your choice)

route($startlat,$startlon,$endlat,$endlon) - calls osrm with start and end point, returns an array of coordinates

routeKML($startlat,$startlon,$endlat,$endlon) - calls osrm with start and end point, returns the KML

locate($lat,$lon) - find the nearest point to the one given in input via osrm

locateKML($lat,$lon) - find the nearest point to the one given in input via osrm, returns KML

preprocessosm($osmfile) - calls the programs to elaborate osm data for the server.

