Praha/Cyklistická infrastruktura

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It is planned to use IPR Praha cycling data to update cycling data (eg. cycle lanes) on OSM. The data is of high-quality, but conversion of features is needed before using this data on OSM. Also, it is planned to input everything manually, without removing any tag. Tag replacement will be done only in case where it is possible to confirm it on satellite or street-level imagery, checking edition data first.


This project aims to manually conflate bicycle infrastructure from Institut plánování a rozvoje - IPR Praha.


  1. April 2023: Data preparation, discussion in the OSM CZ Telegram group, and data testing and validation.
  2. future: Editions beginning
  3. future: Editions ending

Data to be used

Data description

The data is provided by the Prague Institute of Planning and Development (Institut plánování a rozvoje), through its Open Data portal. The data is constantly updated, and is available in different formats, such as GeoJSON or SHP. The data is of a great quality (positioning and correctness), but the geometry is not 100% accurate.

Data source

The data can be accessed on the aforementioned portal (in Czech).

License of access and use

The OSM community has explicit permission to use the IPR Praha data.

Size of the data set

The GeoJSON WGS84 file is 5.7MB. There is a total of 1,839.81 km of cycle infrastructure.

Data conflation

This is the strategy to avoid conflicts with existing data:

  • If possible, initially a filtering must be made in Overpass Turbo, observing cycle lanes that are already mapped in the OSM, and then remove those lanes from those provided by IPR. If not possible, a manual check is mandatory.
  • In principle, cycle lanes that are already mapped in the OSM must remain, as recommended. Eventually, if they are in significant disagreement, they can be complemented by those from the IPR layer, maintaining the OSM tagging data.

Data input

Given that there are already many cycle lanes mapped, inputting new data requires manual intervention, so a manual editing is planned with a review of each object to be uploaded.

Description of features and tag compatibility

This is a quick suggestion, but editing will be done confirming the feature with imagery.

Comparison between IPR Praha code system and OSM tags
DOPR_STAV CZ EN Tagging plan
1 Piktokoridor Shared lane cycleway=shared_lane
2 Cyklopruh Cycle Lane cycleway=lane
3 Buspruh Shared bus lane cycleway=share_busway
4 Cykloobousměrka Opposite lane or shared lane cycleway=lane or cycleway=shared_lane on opposite direction
5 Bezmotorová cesta Non-motorised path check road category + bicycle=yes/designated
6 Stezka pro chodce a cyklisty společná Shared pedestrian and cycle path highway=cycleway + foot=designated + bicycle=designated
7 Stezka pro chodce a cyklisty prostorově oddělená Pedestrian and cycle path spatially separated highway=cycleway + highway=footway (separatedely mapped) or the above + seggregated=yes
8 Samostatná cyklostezka Separate cycle path highway=cycleway
9 Přejezd přes silnici, křižovatku Bicycle and pedestrian crossing highway=cycleway + cycleway=crossing + bicycle=designated + foot=designated
10 Pěší zóna s cyklistickou dopravou Pedestrian zone with cycle traffic highway=pedestrian + bicycle=yes
11 Obytná zóna Residential zone highway=living_street
12 Cyklotrasa v běžné ulici Cycle route in a regular street check road category + bicycle=yes/designated
13 Průjezd zákazem vjezdu-legální Passage through a no-entry zone-legal Not sure, but seems access=no + bicycle=yes, but will leave those out since they are few
14 Cyklojednosměrka Cycling one-way ? (Very few roads like this, probably will skip those)
15 Cyklisto veď kolo Cyclist lead the bike bicycle=dismount
16 Cyklotrasa na rušné komunikaci Cycle route on a busy road Relation type=route + route=bicycle
17 MTB trasa, singletrack MTB route, singletrack highway=track + bicycle=yes
18 Chodník s povolením jízdy Sidewalk with bike permission highway=footway + bicycle=yes
19 Přívoz Ferry Add bicycle=yes on ferry routes
20 Chodník Sidewalk highway=footway + footway=sidewalk
21 Ochranný cyklopruh Protective cycle lane cycleway=soft_lane
121 Cyklotrasa ve zklidněné ulici Cycle route in a calmed street Relation type=route + route=bicycle
122 Cyklotrasa v extravilánu Cycle route in the outskirts/rural area Relation type=route + route=bicycle
123 Cyklotrasa na neprůjezdné silnici Cycle route on roads closed to regular traffic Relation type=route + route=bicycle

Work plan

It is proposed to carry out the work by features, starting from the most important (separated cycle ways, for example) to the least.

Regression plan

If necessary, the changes will be undone using the JOSM/Plugins/Reverter plugin.


We would like to thank the contribution of the Prague Institute of Planning and Development - IPR Praha in providing the data. We also gratefully acknowledge the support from CycleAI, which allowed us to work on this project.