Private Maps

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Private Maps
Private Maps Germany northeast.png
Private Maps App Icon.jpeg
Author: 64 Characters
License: Proprietary (free with in-app purchase)
Platforms: iOS, iPadOS , and macOS
Version: 1.1.1
Languages: English, German, and Russian
Programming language: Swift

Minimalist, private, standard OpenStreetMap style, high-resolution retina tiles

Private Maps is a minimalist and lightweight iOS, iPadOS, and macOS map application focused on privacy. The app displays maps in the standard OpenStreetMap style. The high-resolution raster tiles are used to provide best user experience on retina screens. Because of the raster tile use, the map doesn't suffer from the simplification on the lower zoom levels that can be seen in the apps using vector tiles. In addition to that, because all rendering of the raster tiles happen on the server, the app can preserve more battery charge.


  • Standard OpenStreetMap style
  • High-resolution tiles
  • Raster tiles for more details on the lower zoom levels and longer battery life
  • Remembering of the last shown app area
  • Local map tile cache
  • iPhone, iPad, and Mac versions


The app does not collect and does not share the usage data. The app does not embed any analytical frameworks. Even the OpenStreetMap servers do not see the usage data. The app uses its own server infrastructure for rendering and hosting tiles. The servers do not collect and do not share any data from the tile download network requests made by the app.