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GLOSA - Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory
Proposal status: Abandoned (inactive)
Proposed by: Ampelmeter
Tagging: glosa=*
Applies to: node, way, relation
Definition: Timing informations to indicate optimal speed when approaching traffic signals

Rendered as: No rendering
Draft started: 2013-04-24


Rationale, some text.


Data model of a junction


Some text.

Junction area

Some text.


Key Value Description
type glosa:lane defines a lane
type glosa:signal_group defines multiple lanes grouped into a relation
type glosa:junction_area defines a junction area
type glosa:common_clock defines a subnet of junctions having a common clock
glosa:control_procedure phase_adaptation, green_extension, pedestrian, induction_loop, emergency info of how the junction is controlled
glosa:lane left, right, straight, main, left2, right2 human readable direction
glosa:time_offset <seconds> time offset of the common clock. number between 0 and timing period in the subnet.
glosa:stop_line <meters> distance in meters from the stop line and the first via member
glosa:timing <duration_green>,<duration_red> comma separated, alternating numbers starting with the duration of green. mostly two numbers.

