Proposal:Scheme for local payment systems

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Reinhart Previano Koentjoro
Proposal status: Inactive (inactive)
Proposed by: Reinhart Previano
Tagging: payment:=<country>_<name>

Draft started: 2019-06-17


The OSM wiki documentation for Key:payment lists some of operating payment systems (example: Alipay, MasterCard, VISA) operating in multiple countries, while some others list payment systems which are operating in only one country (e.g. ICSF for Japan, Oyster for United Kingdom). This proposal further classifies values for payment: tags for payment brands/systems that operates locally

Why a "system"?

Though many of these values refer to brands, many of them have a separate system including, the medium of payment account (e.g. cards, coupons, or mobile apps) as well as the payment terminal. In many cases, these brands do work with existing payment/fund transfer networks, such as GPN for major Indonesian banks, payment brands and systems.


Conflicting Brand Names

Some payment systems have a brand name which might cause conflicts when referred in another country/region. Here are some of the examples:

  • "eftpos"
Country Trademark Owner Payment Type Website
Others - Generic classification for Electronic Funds Transfer Point of Sales -
Australia Eftpos Payments Australia Ltd. (as "eftpos") Debit cards, Mobile Money / Digital Wallet, Payment gateway supporting Apple Pay and Google Pay
  • "e-money", "e money", or "emoney"
Country Trademark Owner Payment Type Website Note
Others - Generic classification for Electronic Funds Transfer systems - -
Indonesia Bank Mandiri (as "Mandiri e-money") Electronic Purses / Intersector Electronic Purses (IEP) / Stored-value cards, Fuel cards, Public transport (Indonesian) Not interoperable with NOBU e-money systems.
Indonesia Bank National NOBU (as "NOBU e-money") Electronic Purses / Intersector Electronic Purses (IEP) / Stored-value cards (Indonesian) Not interoperable with Mandiri e-money systems.
Phillipines United Coconut Planters Bank (as "eMoney") Multipurpose ATM card -
United States (VA) Electronic Transaction Systems Corporation (as "EMoney") Mobile Money / Digital Wallet, Gift cards -
  • "go-pay" or "gopay"
Country Trademark Owner Payment Type Website
Indonesia GOJEK Indonesia (PT. Aplikasi Karya Anak Bangsa) (as "GO-PAY") Mobile Money / Digital Wallet
Malaysia ATX Distribution Sdn. Bhd. (as "GOPAY") Mobile Money / Digital Wallet, Loyalty
  • "t-money"
Country Trademark Owner Payment Type Website
Indonesia Telkom Indonesia (as "t-money") Mobile Money / Digital Wallet
South Korea Korea Smart Card Co., Ltd (as "T-money") Electronic Purses / Intersector Electronic Purses (IEP) / Stored-value cards, Public transport

Payment by Method VS Payment by Brand

Another issue for the current Key:payment documentation is how should the subkey be added to the tag. There are "payment by method" subkeys such as payment:meal_voucher and payment:wire_transfer, as well as "payment by brand" subkeys such as payment:visa and payment:mastercard instead of classifying them under payment:credit_card prefix.


To tag an object with


Applies to


Features/Pages affected

External discussions

Mobile Apps

A Wiki user asked about entering mobile app names for payment: tag in OpenStreetMap. In my opinion, this can be further categorized as:

  • Cryptocurrency Wallets. Here, their names should not be entered to OSM database since multiple wallet names may exist for a single cryptocurrency. For example, payment:iota is more acceptable than payment:trinity, since "Trinity" is a wallet brand name for IOTA cryptocurrency.
  • Digital/Fiat Wallets and Mobile Banking. If these apps have their own, separate payment terminals, you are able to enter the application name/payment service on payment: tag. It is important to note that some payment service brands may differ from the name of application name, such as "GrabPay" service which is available for an app called "Grab".[1]
  • Ordering Apps.


Please comment on the discussion page.