Proposal:Specifying the highwaytype for a lane

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specifying the highwaytype for a lane
Proposal status: Abandoned (inactive)
Proposed by: *
Tagging: lane.<lanelabel>. highway=motorway_link

Rendered as: motorway_link-appearance

This laneproperty can be used to represent a motorway_link more detailed.

A motorway_link here (Belgium) can be a lane of the motorway. This is normally the first or last part of the motorway_link, depending wether one is getting of the motorway or getting on it. The part of the motorway_link that isn't a lane of the motorway, would be represented as before. So, for the part of the motorway where the motorway_link is a lane of the motorway, the motorway would be extended with an extra lane, and (a) lanelabel(s) and this lane-property should be added. Ofcourse, it can be that there is a motorway_link on each side of the motorway.

This is an optional thing to do. For routing-purposes, this information is not needed. This information is only required to make a more detailed mapping of the road.


I was just thinking of a way to do this myself. I agree. --Cohort 02:28, 15 June 2007 (BST)