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Rainforest are normally evergreen primary forests. They normally cover large areas, which makes them difficult to map. The following rules are - as most OSM rules - no compulsory rules, but advices.

Choice of the editor


iD can be used for mapping rainforest, but has two major drawbacks. First, there is a minimum zoom level for editing data. When creating a forest, this is not a big problem, but when deleting a bigger part of a forest, this can be a problem. Either iD forbids to delete it, since not everything is visible or - when zoomed out, so all can be seen - requires a higher zoom level. The second drawback is the non-intuitive handling of relations. In the rainforest, there are often "holes" in the forest needed. For example a lake in the forest. So, iD can be used, but it comes with some difficulties.


Merkaartor has a easy to use relation function, but it is buggy. If open ways are used, it might be necessary, to add a dummy closed way. This must be deleted afterwards. Deleting must be done carefully in Merkaartor, since nodes are not automatically deleted as well.

Example of dummy area


JOSM is the most popular editor among professional OSM-mappers.

Problems with mapping

work in progress

How to map

work in progress

See also

work in progress