Rjgambrel/Motorway islands opnion

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Following are my personal opinions about the set of motorway islands.

Island ID Bob Opinion Bob notes
US2a motorway
US10a trunk very degraded
US10b motorway likely expansion
US10c motorway
US10d motorway but isolated very isolated from others
US14a trunk
US14a2 trunk would confuse folks if this were a motorway due to close other motorway
US14b motorway part of larger system
US14c motorway part of larger system
US14d motorway part of larger system
US14e motorway
US52a motorway part of larger system
US52b motorway part of larger system
US52c trunk eway part of larger system
US52d motorway part of larger system
US53a trunk isolated and short
US169a motorway
US169b trunk
US169c trunk
US169d trunk
US169g trunk
US169h motorway
US169i trunk eway
MN7a trunk eway
7b trunk eway
MN13a maybe
MN153060 trunk just an intersection
MN1560 motorway
MN15b motorway
MN15c motorway a spur to US10b
MN23a motorway
MN23b maybe
MN3060 motorway
MN36a motorway
MN36b maybe
MN36c motorway
MN51a trunk eway
MN55a maybe
MN65a trunk eway
MN65b trunk eway
MN101a motorway
371a motorway
371b trunk isolated & short
MN371c trunk isolated & short