SotM 2014 session: Future and possible improvement of S3DB definition

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State Of The Map 2014 Session
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Speaker: Marek Strassenburg Kleciak

Language: English

Media: Video

The Simple 3D Building (S3DB) tagging method, the result of the 2nd and 3rd Workshop in Garching, where most 3D developers agreed on supporting a unified subset of tags in their programs, is a success story.

Nearly 400.000 buildings worldwide are mapped by using of S3DB definition. The results are visible e.g. in osm2world, f4map, openscience map and in future certainly also in various other applications.

The growing experience in the use of S3DB caused that various users have expressed their questions and wishes, because the S3DB definition is strong limited in their possibilities spatial description of buildings. Some mappers tried to use S3DB for mapping of bridges, city walls and other elements for improving of spatial look of 3D cities.

This presentation shows practical examples of disputed limitations, most asked questions and possible approaches for enrichment of existing S3DB data model. Some theoretical models with their opportunities and the resulting challenges will be analyzed.