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Clarification concerning vehicle types and an additional example including a designated bicycle lane
(Clarification concerning vehicle types and an additional example including a designated bicycle lane)
== Description ==
To tag individual lanes of a road together with their distinctive properties the key-extension <code>:lanes</code> can be used.
Lane-specific information can be expressed on a way by suffixing the key with <code>:lanes</code>. This suffix is applicable to any existing <code><key>=<value></code> tag pair. In such case, the value of that key then contains the values for each lane separated by a | (vertical bar) in left-to-right order as viewed in the respective driving direction of those lanes. If the value of a specific lane is left blank, the (possibly assumed/implicit) value of the main key without <code>:lanes</code>-suffix applies (the so called ''default value'').
In the common case of two driving directions either <code>:forward</code> or <code>:backward</code> is added to the end of the key; i.e., <code><key>:lanes:forward</code> describes the properties of the lanes in the same direction as the osm-way, whereas <code><key>:lanes:backward</code> described the properties of the lanes in the opposite direction of the osm-way.
Please be aware that this extension covers all kind of lanes for <u>all kind of vehicles</u> and is <u>not</u> restricted to motorized traffic.
== Examples ==
<nowiki>*</nowiki> These tags show how to add more than one value to a single lane, by separating those values with a ; (semi-colon).<br>
<nowiki>**</nowiki> There is ''no'' physical separation between the upper two lanes and the lower ones, just a double solid line. While the [[Editing_Standards_and_Conventions#Divided_highways|editing standards]] recommend to split the ways only when a ''physical'' separation is present, in many regions the ways are already splitted in case of a legal separation like a double solid line. In such a case both resulting ways should be tagged with {{Tag|lanes||2}}.
=== Crossing with a designated lane for bicycles ===
The following example demonstrates tagging lanes with different kinds of traffic.
Pay attention to the value of the {{Key|lanes}} key. See [[Proposed_features/lanes_General_Extension#The_issues_with_the_lanes_tag|the proposal of the :lanes extension]] for an explanation.
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