
From OpenStreetMap Wiki
Revision as of 10:15, 13 September 2009 by Sletuffe (talk | contribs)
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The Feature Page for the approved proposal fixme is located at Key:fixme
Proposal status: Approved (active)
Proposed by: RW
Tagging: fixme=*
Applies to: node, way, area
Definition: description of a (possible) error in the map

Rendered as: not rendered by default
Draft started: 2008-12-06

[[Category:Proposals with "Approved" status sorted by date|]]


The fixme key allows contributors to mark objects and places that need further attention. These can be in the form of a "note to self" or request for additional mapping resources.


A way with

  • k="highway" v="residential" together with
  • k="fixme" v="this section of highway ABCD added from memory, add a gpx trace and adjust"

or just

  • k="fixme" v="resurvey"

A node or way in an interchange with

  • k="fixme", v="This interchange is complete with the exception of the SB to WB ramp to Highway ABCD. Would an OSM commuter who takes that ramp trace it please?"

An otherwise untagged way surrounding some part of a town with

  • k="fixme", v="resurvey names in this area, entered from memory"


This should NOT be rendered on the main map, but perhaps as a Maplint-like overlay, or integrated with OpenStreetBugs.

As far as I know there are no map showing fixme tags, so I have started my own, it's quite beta, but it exists Yet another validation tool for osm data Sletuffe 15:00, 17 November 2008 (UTC)

Keep right! displays - among others - fixme-tagged items. So far for Europe and Australia. --JohannesF 09:10, 23 May 2009 (UTC)


Please use the discussion page for comments.