State of the Map Asia/Bids

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Call for Bids

It has become a State of the Map Asia tradition to announce the host of the next conference on the last day of the conference itself. The process had been informal, fun, and friendly, with available community representatives making their pitch to a panel of fellow advocates.

With consensus from community representatives attending the 2018 conference, we are adopting a more transparent process for 2019, at the same time, document and formalize this, which would give other communities a chance to bid, even if they missed attending the conference.

For questions, comments, or other concerns, please post in the mailing list:


What do we want to see in a successful bid to host SotM Asia?

Quality of venue

  • General suitability: suitability, proximity to accommodation, number and size of rooms available, whether SotM Asia will be the sole user of the venue during the event, venue owner's experience with handling conferences of this size (est. 250-400)
  • Internet access: availability within the venue, access within the accommodation (is it free? how much does it cost?), access within the social areas. Whether or not free access can be provided. Whether or not the area is covered by wi-fi, and if wi-fi service is capable of handling added demand of conference attendees (large number, 100-200 using it at the same time). In the conference venue, is wi-fi available in conference rooms? or what Internet access is available for presenters?
  • Social areas: whether a space for socializing and birds-of-a-feather sessions is available, whether that space is open 24 hours a day, proximity to venue and accommodation, facilities available (food, drinks, internet access)

Location, location, location

  • Accommodation: proximity to venue (closer is better), suitability and affordability, variety of types of accommodation available (budget to higher-end), availability for the event as well as any pre- or post-conference meetings planned.
  • General location: proximity to transportation (airport, trains, buses), amenities close to the conference venue (restaurants, tourist sites for outings, etc)
  • Public Transit: availability of public transit.
  • Audience/Potential Audience: Are there special audience considerations due to specific location?
  • Local outreach: Could a mapping party (or some other event) be organized before or after to increase local outreach?

Local support

  • Organizing team: local volunteers willing to take a lead role in organizing the event; who is responsible for what areas of the conference; their skills (technical, PR, financial, etc.); their experience with similar ventures. If there is a local OSM organization in place, or another established organization pledging its assistance, please mention their involvement and elaborate on what help they can provide.
  • Organizational support from associations, local governments, universities, venues, and NGOs.
  • Press: Media interest and PR opportunities: prior and expected interest, both locally and internationally

Cost/ease of attendance

  • General cost: of accommodation, food, and cost of travel within city.
  • Funding: amount of local sponsorship available (please detail), average cost for attendees.
  • Travel: costs of travel to the location from various parts of Asia, particularly those with high numbers of mappers, options available for travel (alternatives to flying). Tourist-friendly immigration policies are a plus.



Deadline: midnight, 15th December 2018, UTC


Add the name of your city and country as a bullet point, and link to your bid as a wiki page, similar to the example below


2018 - Bangalore, IN

Some expressions of interests were made, but this time, we'd like to document and formalize this process, and also to allow other communities a chance to bid, even if they missed attending the conference.

2017 - Kathmandu, NP

Community representatives from Bangladesh, India, and Mongolia passionately presented their 2-minute pitch for their countries -- and in the end, Bangalore prevailed.

2016 - Manila, PH

Nepal's bid was uncontested.

2015 - Jakarta, ID

No bids.