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About the data

The Canton Solothurn provides a variety of geodata under a liberal license allowing us to use it in osm. Among other data, the Canton also provides address data with its location, streetname and housenumber as shapefiles. The address data is available for the whole canton and you must be registred to download it.

In order to keep the osm-data well maintained and to prevent an import-dumpground, it was decided not to upload the address data as a whole. The idea is to split the date into manageable parts and integrate them carefully into the existing osm-data. It is suggested to work on address data per Gemeinde as this represents a manageable part.

Since the area is already well covered with buildings (mostly from SOGIS as well) it is highly recommended to add the addresses to the respective buildings.


There are many procedures to obtain an osm-file of the addresses. Generally the steps are as follows:

  • download the addresses for the whole Canton from the SOGIS-website
  • convert it to an osm-xml file (reprojection from swissgrid to wgs84), e.g. with ogr2osm.py
  • set keys (addr:street, addr:housenumber, and possibly a temporary key for flaging the addresses), e.g. with Josm
  • cut out the Gemeinde you want to work on, eg. with Osmosis or Josm

Integrating the addresses into the existing osm-data

  • open the osm-xml file of the Gemeinde you wish to integrate with your editor of choice
  • download from the osm-api the osm-data of the Gemeinde
  • Check EVERY single address-node with regard to: existing address data (has preference, particularly if more detailed), add to building (use/edit existing ones or create from available imagery).
  • remove any tags you may have used for flagging
  • Do not use any source-tags on the ways or nodes - the source-tag source=SOGIS-Addresses goes into the changeset
  • Only upload when you have integrated and checked ALL the data for the area.
  • Don't use your regular account for upload as this is considered an import. Create a user-account dedicated to this import and use it to upload.
  • The source=SOGIS-Addresses goes into the changeset.