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Public-images-osm logo.svg place_of_worship = musalla
Islamic place of worship specifically designated for the five daily prayers of Islam. However, unlike mosques, musallas do not conduct the weekly congregational Friday prayer (Jumu'ah) Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: religion
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Status: in use

A musalla refers to a designated area or space specifically intended for Islamic prayer and worship. Unlike mosques, which serve as comprehensive religious centers encompassing various activities and services, musallas primarily focus on providing a location for Muslims to perform their daily prayers. One significant distinction between a musalla and a mosque lies in the absence of Friday prayers (Jumu'ah) in musallas. While mosques conduct the congregational Friday prayer, musallas do not typically host this weekly communal prayer. Instead, musallas primarily serve as supplemental prayer spaces, offering a convenient alternative for Muslims when a mosque is not readily accessible or when they find themselves in public settings such as airports, parks, universities, or shopping centers.