Talk:Humanitarian OSM Team/HOT Microgrants/Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Summit Grant 2020/Proposal/Community-Driven, Needs-Responsive Open Mapping in Rural Mongolia
Hi Public Lab Mongolia. I have a question. You mention that you have collaborated with OSM Nepal in the past to help with collaboration. How do you plan to collaborate with OSM Communities in this project? And how will their input benefit this project? Thanks! Semower (talk) 16:35, 15 January 2021 (UTC)
Hi Sophie! Thank you for your message. We hope to engage our peers in South East Asia such as Nepal and Bangladesh, whom we are currently working in parallel and who have strong mapping communities and experience with mapathons. We would seek lessons learnt or good practices on engaging with OSM community mappers, learn more to build local skills on data validation to improve QC/QA. We are currently learning a lot about OSM tags as well. Furthermore, we would like to invite other HOT OSM communities to participate in Mongolia mapathons, as we will in their mapathon events, as international collaboration. We hope that this will also promote local volunteer mappers' engagement and interest in the HOT OSM further in the future. We would like to stay in touch with the communities who presented during the HOT OSM Summit 2020 for these initiatives.