Talk:Cycling in the United Kingdom/Regional Routes

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How to handle changes of numbering from old RRxx format to new NCNxxx format?

It looks like Sustrans/whoever have changed the signage for Wiltshire Cycleway RR20 to read NCN254 now. Please can someone with more experience than me post some clearer guidance on how we should be managing the transition from the old to the new numbering (both on OSM itself and in this Wiki page) and add a note to this page showing how the new National/Regional numbering and signage works now. --Corshamjim 09:29, 5 August 2010 (BST)

Later ... It seems the Sustrans map still has at least one small section (Corsham-Calne) still labelled as "Regional Route 20" on their online map. I'll check and see how it's sign-posted on the ground later today. --Corshamjim 10:11, 5 August 2010 (BST)

Generally we tag "what's on the ground"; we're not formally allowed to copy from the Sustrans mapping (and indeed we wouldn't want to), though in fact their GIS people are good guys and supportive of OSM. As best I know the Wiltshire Cycleway was historically only signposted with "Wiltshire Cycleway" signs, and the RR20 numbering was largely a Sustrans administrative convenience rather than anything reflected on the ground (most of the old county cycleways were RRx0 where x was the 'county number').
The main circuit has now been signposted as NCN254; I don't think the old branches/loops have been carried through into this, and so these will either be signposted on the ground with old Wiltshire Cycleway signs or probably with nothing at all. --Richard 11:31, 5 August 2010 (BST)


The relevant web page from Wiltshire County Council on local cycle routes in Wiltshire currently would seem to be: [1]

Wiltshire Cycleway, Pewsey Vale, possibly soon to be renamed ncn255

I cycled the Corsham-Calne section of what would appear to be RR20 on OSM today. There's nothing on the ground indicating RR20 at all. There are lots of signs saying "Wiltshire Cycleway" and at the beginning of the route at Corsham, the sign reads "Wilshire Cycleway, Pewsey Vale" which I would say is an apt description of this route section. Unless anyone shouts otherwise, I'll set up a relation for this one, and for the time being simply give it "network=lcn" and name "Wiltshire Cycleway, Pewsey Vale". I picked up a leaflet on local cycle routes at the tourist info in Calne too - this also makes no reference to the old RR20 designation, but simply lists the route as a "Cycle Route" without naming it.

I found just one signpost along this route with shiny new signs having the new ncn xxx format on them and pointing to Lacock in one direction and Calne in the other. 255 is the number in white letters on a red background. I would guess, then, that ncn 255 will be the new designation for this section, but until some more signs go up I can't presume that. --Corshamjim 17:15, 7 August 2010 (BST)