Talk:Vancouver/North Shore Recreation Trails

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sac_scale ratings

I think that key:sac_scale ratings are applied somewhat inconsistently in SW BC, so I think it makes sense to have a couple of reference trails for the region as a basis for comparison. In particular, I have noticed that trails on the north shore rated "hiking" and "mountain_hiking" seem to be much more difficult that trails rated "hiking" and "mountain_hiking" elsewhere in the region. IMO this really boils down to whether rough trails where the only real obstacles are rocks and roots, without much in the way of fall hazards, should be rated hiking or mountain_hiking. I think it's better to reserve "hiking" for smooth well maintained trails so there is some differentiation. The reference trails should:

  • be popular so that OSM contributors are likely to have hiked them
  • cover the full range of sac_scale
  • have typical obstacles and difficulties for trails in SW BC.
  • have a consistent sac_scale rating over the trail (or the applicable section if only part of the trail is being used as a reference)

As such I propose the following trails as references:

Reference Trails
Trail segment current sac_sclae rating proposed sac_scale reference rating Justification / Notes
Garibaldi Lake Trail none hiking
Baden Powell Trail Eagle Bluff lookout to Cypress Bowl parking lot hiking hiking
Baden Powell Trail Eagle bluff ascent from horseshoe may demanding_mountain_hiking demanding_mountain_hiking talus
Baden Powell Trail the rest of the trail mountain_hiking mountain_hiking uneven roots and rocks
Mount Seymour to second peak hiking mountain_hiking uneven roots and rocks
Mount Seymour second peak to third peak mountain_hiking demanding_mountain_hiking fall hazard, bare rock
Flint and Feather rating based on scramble section demanding_mountain_hiking alpine_hiking hands required for forward progress in one location on the scramble section. Apply rating to entire trail
Needle Peak Lower Trail mountain_hiking ? this trail is steep, does that alone make it mountain_hiking?
Needle Peak Scramble from Needle-Flatiron col to summit alpine_hiking alpine_hiking a few moves required pulling up with hands
Black Tusk gully scramble demanding_alpine_hiking demanding_alpine_hiking
West Lion Peak Scramble demanding_alpine_hiking ?

ScottNelson (talk) 19:42, 18 June 2024 (UTC)