Template:Buoy lateral:category

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Mark Example Symbols seamark:buoy_lateral:category Where used
Port-hand lateral mark Port.png port Marks the port side limit of the fairway when heading inland. This will be towards the right bank.
Starboard-hand lateral mark Starboard.png starboard Marks the starboard side limit of the fairway when heading inland. This will be towards the left bank.
Preferred channel to starboard lateral mark PStarboard.png preferred_channel_starboard Where the fairway divides either way around an obstacle, the primary channel is to the starboard side of this mark.
Preferred channel to port lateral mark PPort.png preferred_channel_port Where the fairway divides either way around an obstacle, the primary channel is to the port side of this mark.
Right-hand side of the waterway RightLateral.png waterway_right Marks the limit of the waterway closest to the right bank.
Left-hand side of the waterway LeftLateral.png waterway_left Marks the limit of the waterway closest to the left bank.
Right-hand side of the channel RightChannel.png channel_right Marks the limit of a channel closest to the right bank.
Left-hand side of the channel LeftChannel.png channel_left Marks the limit of a channel closest to the left bank.
Bifurcation of the waterway WWBifurcation.png waterway_separation Marks the conjunction of two waterways.
Bifurcation of the fairway WWBifurcation.png channel_separation Marks the conjunction of two channels within a waterway.
Turn off at the right-hand side TORight.png turnoff_right Indicates a turn off at the right-hand side.
Turn off at the left-hand side TOLeft.png turnoff_left Indicates a turn off at the left-hand side.
Danger point or obstacles at the right-hand side DRight.png danger_right Marks obstacles close to the right bank.
Danger point or obstacles at the left-hand side DLeft.png danger_left Marks obstacles close to the left bank.
Junction at the right-hand side JRight.png junction_right Indicates a junction at the right-hand side.
Junction at the left-hand side JLeft.png junction_left Indicates a junction at the left-hand side.

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.