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To create a gpx track from geotagged images (like the ones taken foir mapillary or kartaview)

see for the source

Inverse Geotagging

ExifTool also has the ability to create a GPS track file from a series of geotagged images. The -p option may be used to output files in any number of formats. This section gives examples for creating GPX and KML output files from a set of geotagged images, or from a geotagged video file. (But note that the -ee option must be added to the commands below to extract the full track from a video file.)

<a name="GPX"></a>

Creating a GPX track log

The following print format file may be used to generate a GPX track log from one or more geotagged images:

# File:         gpx.fmt
# Description:  Example ExifTool print format file to generate a GPX track log
# Usage:        exiftool -p gpx.fmt -ee FILE [...] > out.gpx
# Requires:     ExifTool version 10.49 or later
# Revisions:    2010/02/05 - P. Harvey created
#               2018/01/04 - PH Added IF to be sure position exists
#               2018/01/06 - PH Use DateFmt function instead of -d option
#               2019/10/24 - PH Preserve sub-seconds in GPSDateTime value
# Notes:     1) Input file(s) must contain GPSLatitude and GPSLongitude.
#            2) The -ee option is to extract the full track from video files.
#            3) The -fileOrder option may be used to control the order of the
#               generated track points when processing multiple files.
#[HEAD]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
#[HEAD]<gpx version="1.0"
#[HEAD] creator="ExifTool $ExifToolVersion"
#[HEAD] xmlns:xsi=""
#[HEAD] xmlns=""
#[HEAD] xsi:schemaLocation="">
#[IF]  $gpslatitude $gpslongitude
#[BODY]<trkpt lat="$gpslatitude#" lon="$gpslongitude#">
#[BODY]  <ele>$gpsaltitude#</ele>
#[BODY]  <time>${gpsdatetime#;my ($ss)=/\.\d+/g;DateFmt("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ");s/Z/${ss}Z/ if $ss}</time>

This example assumes that the GPSLatitude, GPSLongitude, GPSAltitude and GPSDateTime tags are all available in each processed FILE. Warnings will be generated for missing tags. The output GPX format will invalid if any GPSLatitude or GPSLongitude tags are missing, but will be OK for missing GPSAltitude or GPSDateTime tags.

Note that the order of track points in the output GPX file will be the same as the order of processing the input files, which may not be chronological depending on how the files are named. The -fileOrder option may be used to force processing of files in a particular order. For example, the following command processes files in order of increasing GPSDateTime:

exiftool -fileOrder gpsdatetime -p gpx.fmt /Users/Phil/Pictures > out.gpx

Since no directory was specified for gpx.fmt, this file must exist in the current directory when the above command is executed. (If the gpx.fmt file can't be found then the -p argument is interpreted as a string instead of a file name, and the text "gpx.fmt" is sent to the output, which isn't what we want.)

The -if option may be added to ensure that only files containing GPS information are processed. For example, the following command creates "out.gpx" in the current directory from all pictures containing GPSDateTime information in directory "pics" and its sub-directories:

exiftool -r -if '$gpsdatetime' -fileOrder gpsdatetime -p gpx.fmt pics > out.gpx

Note: In Windows, double quotes (") must be used instead of single quotes (') around the -if argument above.

The "fmt_files" directory of the full exiftool distribution contains this sample format file ("gpx.fmt") as well as a sample which creates GPX waypoints with pictures ("gpx_wpt.fmt").