User:Imagico/OSMF list of grievances

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This is a memory aid for me listing various specific questions and issues i feel the OSMF needs to address and i plan to follow up on at convenient times.

Order is roughly chronological.

Missing 2017 and 2018 F2F meeting minutes (board)

Have all working group minutes on the OSMF wiki in compliance with the FOSS policy (LWG)

Inquire about use of github and other proprietary services by board and WGs in light of the FOSS policy (board, WGs)

Statistics on scholarship applications for SotM 2017, 2018 (SotM-WG)

Membership statistics (MWG)

  • statistics about membership fee waiver use (geographic distribution etc.)
  • regular publication of geographic distribution of all OSMF members

Auditable standards for membership fee waiver due to financial hardship (board)

Rules about conflict of interest handling in the OSMF (board)

2018/Res14 Decide for OSMF to administer payments to regional SotMs (board)

Revision of the Crimea decision of the DWG by the board (board)

  • reasons for the original decision
  • meaning of the discrepancies between general OSMF policy regarding boundaries and this decision
  • explanation regarding the discrepancies between board decision and community mapping standards

January 2019 board meeting minutes - addition of notes on closed portion (board)

Decision on termination of membership of 100 GlobalLogic employees according to article 17.4 of the AoA (board)

Board statement on Crimea decision (board)

  • conditions for exceptions from the disputed boundaries policy are unclear - minimizing strife has been stated as being the motivation here but is being rejected as general basis of making exceptions.
  • raises the general question in how far the OSMF board is bound by OSMF policy in their decisions.
  • lack of any time limit or conditions for the exception declared.
  • conflicts of the exception with the OSMF mission, in particular:
  • Core values: Ground Truth: OSM favours objective “Ground Truth” over all other sources
  • Scope of the OSMF board: Does not decide what to map or how to map and Does not drive mapping in a particular direction