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This page belongs to Mr. Alireza Kashian , Phd graduate student at The University of Melbourne (2012-2020)

Bachelor: Bsc Electronics (Isfahan University of Technology in Isfahan)

Masters Degree: Information and Communcation (Nanyang Technological University in Singapore)

Alireza Kashian has been active member of OSM since 2007. He later developed in 2009 to help people use maps in Tehran.

Thesis Topic: Automatic Methods for Positional Plausibility Assessment of POIs in OSM

Developed Online Tool: OSM POI Analyzer (

12 years of experience in location-based technologies

High interest in topics: automatic cartography, spatial data mining and spatial intelligence, machine learning, human computer interaction, crowdsourcing and gamification

Started computer coding with GW Basic and Quick Basic in DOS enviroment in 1991.

Later developed codes by: Pascal, Turbo Pascal, Cobol, Fortran, Assembly, Delphi, Visual Basic, C++, PHP, Python

My Social Accounts:

*Twitter: alireza_kashian

*Instagram: alireza_kashian

*Skype:  a_kashian

*Telegram: @kashian

University homepage

Aboutme Page

My Projects:

* WarnWave

* Talkomotion

* RoadPlex

* OSM POI Analyzer

* Hideplex

* skypack

* AVS (Address Verification System)