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Hello! I'm Frank "knarF" Eriksson.

I has always been interested to buy a GPS, now my mother did buy one for herself and she allows me to borrow it. We does not have any map yet, but I'm mapping here on OSM in my own area as there is very little/incorrect info.

Currently we ( Me and my mum ) is just interested about where roads and forests are ( and the lovely chanterelles are ;). But I might just add some other info too.

The commercial maps seems to be of very bad quality, and they can't be edited. So I think OSM is a good choice, My mother is still a little bit sceptical but I persuaded her to give it a try anyway.

Now she must buy a memorycard. I found out that one at 256mb could be bought for just as little as 23kr ( the cheapest package of cigarettes costs the double, due to the high taxes ).