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About me

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fi-N Tämän käyttäjän äidinkieli on suomi.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
sv-2 Den här användaren har medelgoda kunskaper i svenska.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf grundlegendem Niveau.
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An individual mapping around the city of Vaasa in Finland.

I started mapping in December 2007.


Main project in Vaasa

Right now my main goal is to map the city of Vaasa as well as possible (Map). Besides the normal highway mapping, i want to create a near perfect map with landuse information as well (residential and industrial areas, forests etc. based on my surveys with gps tracks, Landsat imagery and my local knowledge). My idea of a good map is that it's visually self explaining and this can be achieved by using the landuse areas as much as possible.

Also the suburbs of the municipality of Mustasaari are on my todo list because it basically belongs to the same urban area with Vaasa.

If you are also going to map Vaasa, please contact me so we can coordinate on which areas to map! Right now it seems that i'm the only one regularly mapping here so i do bits and pieces everywhere without too much planning.

Under progress

  • Filling extra information (landuse, service roads, cycleways, amenities etc..) to the areas which are nearly finished
  • Keeping the existing data up-to-date

Mostly completed by me

  • Kotiranta
  • Metsäkallio
  • Vetokannas
  • Isolahti
  • Pukinjärvi
  • Asevelikylä
  • Huutoniemi
  • Gerby
  • Västervik
  • Sepänkylä suburb in Mustasaari/Korsholm
  • Vanha Vaasa and Ristinummi
  • (+ Bits and pieces of new stuff on the existing areas.)

Minor projects

I'm regularly visiting Nivala, Taivalkoski, Vöyri and Närpiö with surroundings. Every now and then i edit something on those areas based on GPX tracks and my own personal knowledge. I haven't visited those places yet after i found out about OSM but i've been mapping some landuse areas and highways based on Landsat imagery.

August 2008:

I've been spending part of my summer holiday in Nivala and I've mapped a lot of residential roads and cycleways in the centre area. There's still a lot to do especially in the eastern side of the town: [1] .


  • Samsung Galaxy S
  • Potlatch and JOSM
  • A Renault Mégane, bicycle or mostly my own feet. ;)