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The following python script allows taking one picture per second on a Raspberry Pi with camera module. I tested it with Raspbian, PiCamera and gpsd must be installed.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import picamera
import gps
import math
import time
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil import parser

def wait():
	global cam, gpsd
	while True:
		report =
		print report
		# Wait for position information.
		if report['class'] == 'TPV':
			# Set orientation to normal landscape.
			cam.exif_tags['IFD0.Orientation'] = '1'

			# Set picture date and time to GPS values.
			now = parser.parse(report.get('time',
			print now.strftime('%s')
			cam.exif_tags['EXIF.DateTimeOriginal'] = now.strftime('%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S')

			# Set altitude to GPS value.
			alt = report.get('alt', 0.0)
			print alt
			cam.exif_tags['GPS.GPSAltitudeRef'] = '0' if alt > 0 else '1'
			aalt = math.fabs(alt)
			cam.exif_tags['GPS.GPSAltitude'] = '%d/100' % int(100 * aalt)

			# Convert speed from m/s to km/h and set tag.
			speed = report.get('speed', 0.0)
			print speed
			cam.exif_tags['GPS.GPSSpeedRef'] = 'K'
			cam.exif_tags['GPS.GPSSpeed'] = '%d/1000' % int(3600 * speed)

			# Set direction of motion and direction along which the picture is taken (assuming frontal view).
			track = report.get('track', 0.0)
			print track
			cam.exif_tags['GPS.GPSTrackRef'] = 'T'
			cam.exif_tags['GPS.GPSTrack'] = '%d/10' % int(10 * track)
			cam.exif_tags['GPS.GPSImgDirectionRef'] = 'T'
			cam.exif_tags['GPS.GPSImgDirection'] = '%d/10' % int(10 * track)

			# Set GPS latitude.
			lat = report.get('lat', 0.0)
			print lat
			cam.exif_tags['GPS.GPSLatitudeRef'] = 'N' if lat > 0 else 'S'
			alat = math.fabs(lat)
			dlat = int(alat)
			mlat = int(60 * (alat - dlat))
			slat = int(6000 * (60 * (alat - dlat) - mlat))
			cam.exif_tags['GPS.GPSLatitude'] = '%d/1,%d/1,%d/100' % (dlat, mlat, slat)

			# Set GPS longitude.
			lon = report.get('lon', 0.0)
			print lon
			cam.exif_tags['GPS.GPSLongitudeRef'] = 'E' if lon > 0 else 'W'
			alon = math.fabs(lon)
			dlon = int(alon)
			mlon = int(60 * (alon - dlon))
			slon = int(6000 * (60 * (alon - dlon) - mlon))
			cam.exif_tags['GPS.GPSLongitude'] = '%d/1,%d/1,%d/100' % (dlon, mlon, slon)

			# Provide next image file name.
			yield '/media/data/pictures/' + now.strftime('%s') + '.jpg'

# Initialize camera.
cam = picamera.PiCamera()
# Flip image if camera is mounted 180° rotated.
cam.vflip = True
cam.hflip = True
# Set maximum image resolution.
cam.resolution = (2592, 1944)
# Wait for camera to settle.

# Connect to gpsd.
gpsd = gps.gps(mode=gps.WATCH_ENABLE)

	# Start taking pictures.
	cam.capture_sequence(wait(), burst=True)

except(KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
	print "Exit.\n"

	# Close camera.