Creating an applicance
Install VMWare Server
Get a registration key
Get a (free) registration key on [VMWare's website]
Get and install VMWare server
Download VMWare server from [VMWare] Installation is not covered in this document
Create an empty VMWare image
- Start VMWare:
sudo vmware
- Connect to localhost
- Create a new virtual machine
- Start a typical creation - all the options are the default options, except:
- Guest OS is Linux, Version is Other Linux 2.6 kernel
- Select an installation path where you have at least 10 GB of free space
- Do NOT allocate all disk space now
Install Debian
Get the netboot iso
Download the netboot image from Debian's website (total size is about 6 MB):
Boot on the iso
Edit the setting of the VM you just created - for the CDROM, select use ISO image and select your mini.iso file. At the same time, you can increase the memory settings of your VM to 1024 MB. You can now click on "Power on this image" Do the regular installation... all default options, except:
- At the Boot: prompt, use the following boot option: "install fb=false". This will disabled the frame buffer, which is much more efficient (in my case at least)
- Select your own keyboard layout
- Hostname is osm
- Select a Debian mirror close to you
- Create a first user named osm
- Install NO software
- Install GRUB
- Once the installation is over, do a minimal cleanup with:
apt-get clean apt-get install sudo visudosu
Add the following line at the end of the file:
The result is available [here]. Root's password is osm and there is a osm user with password osm.
Populate the PostgreSQL DB
# Install the basic packages: sudo apt-get install postgresql-postgis subversion # Install the OpenStreetmap source tree svn co # Create the DB, grant access to the osm user, install the PostGIS extensions and fill up the DB sudo su sudo su postgres createdb -EUNICODE osm createuser -S -D -R osm echo "GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA PUBLIC TO osm;" | psql osm echo "create language plpgsql;" | psql osm psql osm < /home/osm/ echo "grant all on geometry_columns to osm;" | psql osm echo "grant all on spatial_ref_sys to osm;" | psql osm exit exit # Download a planet.osm dump (as user "osm") cd; mkdir planet.osm; cd $_ wget # Compile the Sanitizer sudo apt-get install build-essential cd /home/osm/ && make # Sanitize the dump sudo apt-get install bzip2 bzcat /home/osm/planet.osm/planet-070221.osm.bz2 | ./UTF8sanitizer > /home/osm/planet.osm/planet-070221-sanitzied.osm # Compile osm2psql sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libgeos-dev libgeos2c2a cd /home/osm/
Edit the Makefile and remove all references to /opt/geos
make # Generate the .sql cd /home/osm/planet.osm /home/osm/ planet-070221-sanitzied.osm > planet-070221-sanitzied.sql echo "commit;" >> planet-070221-sanitzied.sql cat planet-070221-sanitzied.sql | psql osm
At this point, the DB is filled with OSM data and ready to be used for rendering.
sudo apt-get install libwww-perl libgd-gd2-perl inkscape xmlstarlet cd /home/osm/ cp tilesAtHome.conf.linux tilesAtHome.conf cp authentication.conf.example authentication.conf
Edit authentication.conf to reflect your username / password
./ loop
Cleaning up and reclaiming space
sudo apt-get clean rm -rf /home/osm/planet.osm/*
Then poweroff the VM:
sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now