User:Maning/ph road stats

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Road Length Stats for the Philippines


highway length sums (metres):
primary           13653293m
residential       12798545m
secondary          5664810m
tertiary           3681683m
unclassified       3639568m
road               3222264m
trunk              2276113m
track               961537m
service             873104m
motorway            559207m
path                302545m
footway             227035m
motorway_link        71409m
trunk_link           39501m
primary_link         33405m
cycleway             27160m
construction         24353m
pedestrian           16738m
steps                 4113m
secondary_link        2716m
living_street         1688m
tr                    1610m
raceway               1542m
residential;road        948m
residential;secondary        718m
proposed               528m
tertiary;unclassified        517m
ferguson road          452m
Homer                  443m
primary;service        414m
sepic road             345m
roman ayson road        313m
bridge                 292m
Sapphire st.           286m
ford                   277m
old road               124m
Atis St.               120m
Alley                  101m
This is a driveway         61m
This is not a road         35m
TOTAL             48089933m