User:Tagtheworld/Abfragen an den Endpunkt der Overpass API hier mit PHP

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mit diesem Code hole ich vom Endpunkt der OSM Overpass API Daten.

 * OSM Overpass API with PHP SimpleXML / XPath
 * PHP Version: 5.4 - Can be back-ported to 5.3 by using 5.3 Array-Syntax (not PHP 5.4's square brackets)
// 1.) Query an OSM Overpass API Endpoint

$query = 'node

$context = stream_context_create(['http' => [
    'method'  => 'POST',
    'header' => ['Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'],
    'content' => 'data=' . urlencode($query),

# please do not stress this service, this example is for demonstration purposes only.
$endpoint = '';
$start = microtime(true);

$result = simplexml_load_file($endpoint);
printf("Query returned %2\$d node(s) and took %1\$.5f seconds.\n\n", microtime(true) - $start, count($result->node));

// 2.) Work with the XML Result

# get all school nodes with xpath
$xpath = '//node[tag[@k = "amenity" and @v = "school"]]';
$schools = $result->xpath($xpath);
printf("%d School(s) found:\n", count($schools));
foreach ($schools as $index => $school)
    # Get the name of the school (if any), again with xpath
    list($name) = $school->xpath('tag[@k = "name"]/@v') + ['(unnamed)'];
    printf("#%02d: ID:%' -10s  [%s,%s]  %s\n", $index, $school['id'], $school['lat'], $school['lon'], $name);

//node[tag[@k = "amenity" and @v = "school"]]
//tag[@k = "name"]/@v'

$query = 'node

$context = stream_context_create(['http' => [
    'method'  => 'POST',
    'header' => ['Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'],
    'content' => 'data=' . urlencode($query),

$endpoint = '';

$result = simplexml_load_file($endpoint);
printf("Query returned %2\$d node(s) and took %1\$.5f seconds.\n\n", microtime(true) - $start, count($result->node));

Hier die Resultate:

me/martin/dev/php/o1.php on line 68
linux-3645:/home/martin/dev/php # php o1.php
Query returned 2799 node(s) and took 17.02055 seconds.

33 School(s) found:
#00: ID:332534486   [39.5018840,16.2722854]  Scuola Elementare
#01: ID:1428094278  [39.3320912,16.1862820]  (unnamed)
#02: ID:1822746784  [38.9075566,16.5776597]  (unnamed)
#03: ID:1822755951  [38.9120272,16.5713431]  (unnamed)
#04: ID:2002566438  [39.1349460,16.0736446]  (unnamed)
#05: ID:2056891127  [39.4106679,16.8254844]  (unnamed)
#06: ID:2056892999  [39.4124687,16.8286119]  (unnamed)
#07: ID:2272010226  [39.4481717,16.2894353]  Scuola dell'infanzia San Francesco
#08: ID:2272017152  [39.4502366,16.2807664]  Scuola Media
#09: ID:2358307794  [39.5015031,16.3905965]  I.I.S.S. Liceo Statale V. Iulia
#10: ID:2358307796  [39.4926280,16.3853662]  Liceo Classico
#11: ID:2358307797  [39.4973761,16.3858275]  Scuola Media
#12: ID:2358307800  [39.5015527,16.3941156]  I.T.C. e per Geometri
#13: ID:2358307801  [39.4983862,16.3807796]  Istituto Professionale
#14: ID:2448031004  [38.6438417,16.3873106]  (unnamed)
#15: ID:2458139204  [39.0803263,17.1291649]  Sacro Cuore
#16: ID:2552412313  [39.0765212,17.1224610]  (unnamed)
#17: ID:2582443083  [39.0815417,17.1178983]  Liceo Socio Biologico Gravina
#18: ID:2585754364  [38.8878393,16.4076323]  Scuola Elementare
#19: ID:2585754366  [38.8877600,16.4076216]  Scuola Media
#20: ID:3071126720  [38.6022703,16.5554408]  Scuola Media
#21: ID:3071127683  [38.6027273,16.5563125]  Scuola Elementare
#22: ID:3081362915  [39.2865638,16.2601963]  Convitto Nazionale Bernardino Telesio
#23: ID:3081362921  [39.2856714,16.2613594]  Liceo Classico B. Telesio
#24: ID:3081362926  [39.2888949,16.2577446]  Scuola
#25: ID:3732551794  [39.5132435,16.2863285]  (unnamed)
#26: ID:3740289655  [39.5167318,16.2838146]  scuola media
#27: ID:3740289656  [39.5164344,16.2821103]  scuola elementare
#28: ID:4004532684  [38.7804787,16.5122952]  Liceo Artistico
#29: ID:4589289756  [38.6794209,16.1063084]  Scuola Comprensiva Trentacapilli
#30: ID:4843966477  [39.0709866,17.1288384]  Pegaso
#31: ID:5297629775  [38.5768845,16.3263536]  Scuola Media Statale "Ignazio La Russa"
#32: ID:5316865306  [39.0807997,17.1264225]  Enrico Fermi
Query returned 3 node(s) and took 17.44780 seconds.

Soweit so gut!! Wenn ich aber den Teil zwei des Codes verändern will um die Suche etwas präziser zu machen - mehr Daten zu gewinnen. Dann komme ich in[b] Probleme. Die errors.[/b].. -siehe unten:

Hintergrund: Will mehr aus dem Datenset bekommen mehr Informationen; vorher hat das so ausgesehen:

    # Get the name of the school (if any), again with xpath
    list($name) = $school->xpath('tag[@k = "name"]/@v') + ['(unnamed)'];
    printf("#%02d: ID:%' -10s  [%s,%s]  %s\n", $index, $school['id'], $school['lat'], $school['lon'], $name);

diese beiden Zeilen habe ich nun ergänzt:

    list($name) = $school->xpath('tag[@k = "contact:website"]/@v');
    list($name) = $school->xpath('tag[@k = "contact:email"]/@v');

es sieht in der Foreach-Loop nun so aus:

    # Get the name of the school (if any), again with xpath
    list($name) = $school->xpath('tag[@k = "name"]/@v') + ['(unnamed)'];
    list($name) = $school->xpath('tag[@k = "contact:website"]/@v');
    list($name) = $school->xpath('tag[@k = "contact:email"]/@v');
    printf("#%02d: ID:%' -10s  [%s,%s]  %s\n", $index, $school['id'], $school['lat'], $school['lon'], $name);

All das hab ich hier eingesetzt in den Teil 2 des Codes - der mit den XML-Resultaten arbeitet.

// 2.) Work with the XML Result

# get all school nodes with xpath
$xpath = '//node[tag[@k = "amenity" and @v = "school"]]';
$schools = $result->xpath($xpath);
printf("%d School(s) found:\n", count($schools));
foreach ($schools as $index => $school)
    # Get the name of the school (if any), again with xpath
    list($name) = $school->xpath('tag[@k = "name"]/@v') + ['(unnamed)'];
    list($name) = $school->xpath('tag[@k = "contact:website"]/@v');
    list($name) = $school->xpath('tag[@k = "contact:email"]/@v');
    printf("#%02d: ID:%' -10s  [%s,%s]  %s\n", $index, $school['id'], $school['lat'], $school['lon'], $name);

Die Ausgangsfrage war: wie kann ich mehr Daten gewinnen - wenigstens aber:

- die Ardesse - die Webseite -

Es ist also die Frage, wie ich mehr Daten in die xpath Abfrage einmünden lassen kann. Habe mich zur Information hier umgesehen [url=]Key:contact - OpenStreetMap Wiki[/url]


Ziel ist es, die xpath Abfragen in der Foreach-Loop zu erweitern, relativ zu den Schools-Nodes

tag[@k = "name"]/@v'
tag[@k = "contact:website"]/@v'
tag[@k = "contact:email"]/@v'

Aber es geht so nicht wie oben beschrieben - es kommt zu Fehlern.

linux-3645:/home/martin/dev/php # php o2.php 
Query returned 2799 node(s) and took 6.22443 seconds.

33 School(s) found:
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 0 in /home/martin/dev/php/o2.php on line 42
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 0 in /home/martin/dev/php/o2.php on line 43
#00: ID:332534486   [39.5018840,16.2722854]  
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 0 in /home/martin/dev/php/o2.php on line 42
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 0 in /home/martin/dev/php/o2.php on line 43
#01: ID:1428094278  [39.3320912,16.1862820]  
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 0 in /home/martin/dev/php/o2.php on line 42
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 0 in /home/martin/dev/php/o2.php on line 43
#02: ID:1822746784  [38.9075566,16.5776597]  
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 0 in /home/martin/dev/php/o2.php on line 42
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 0 in /home/martin/dev/php/o2.php on line 43
#03: ID:1822755951  [38.9120272,16.5713431]  
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 0 in /home/martin/dev/php/o2.php on line 42
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 0 in /home/martin/dev/php/o2.php on line 43
#04: ID:2002566438  [39.1349460,16.0736446]  
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 0 in /home/martin/dev/php/o2.php on line 42
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 0 in /home/martin/dev/php/o2.php on line 43
#05: ID:2056891127  [39.4106679,16.8254844]  
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 0 in /home/martin/dev/php/o2.php on line 42
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 0 in /home/martin/dev/php/o2.php on line 43
#06: ID:2056892999  [39.4124687,16.8286119]  
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 0 in /home/martin/dev/php/o2.php on line 42
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 0 in /home/martin/dev/php/o2.php on line 43
#07: ID:2272010226  [39.4481717,16.2894353]  
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 0 in /home/martin/dev/php/o2.php on line 42
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 0 in /home/martin/dev/php/o2.php on line 43
#08: ID:2272017152  [39.4502366,16.2807664]  
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 0 in /home/martin/dev/php/o2.php on line 42
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 0 in /home/martin/dev/php/o2.php on line 43
#09: ID:2358307794  [39.5015031,16.3905965]  
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 0 in /home/martin/dev/php/o2.php on line 42

Was mache hier noch ich falsch!? Freue mich auf einen Tipp.
