Utrecht tree import

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The goal of this project is to import the municipal trees of Gemeente Utrecht.

Import data

Data source

The municipal of Gemeente Utrecht has a dataplatform with many different datasets. One of them is a large set of all the (municipal) trees in the city Map. The webpage of this dataset can be found here: Dataset (In Dutch). The license of the whole dataplatform states that the data can be used commercially https://utrecht.dataplatform.nl/#/home. The license for the dataset is CC-0 as stated on this page: https://data.overheid.nl/dataset/bomenkaart.


The data is supplied as a CSV. This file contains 159.688 rows of data. In this file the following data is listed for every tree.

Nederlandse naam Wetenschappelijke naam Plantjaar Leeftijd Eigenaar Buurt Wijk Boomnummer X Y Lat Long Exportdatum
Grauwe els of Zwarte els Alnus glutinosa 1950 70 Gemeentelijk Wilhelminapark e.o. Oost 1849803 138184.999 455672.831 5.141855763425785 52.08906080416394 20200415

Please note that the Lat/long is flipped, for example the LatLong of the example above gets you in Somalian waters: https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=9/5.1418/52.0890. This page also states that for about 2000 trees the species is not yet determined, here the name will be "Soortnaam nader te bepalen". When the import is done these trees will not have an species tag.

Tagging plans

On each created/updated tree 5 tags can be set (in addition of latitude and longitude):

   natural = tree
   species = [Wetenschappelijke naam]
   species:nl = [Nederlandse naam]
   start_date = [Plantjaar]
   ref = [Boomnummer]