Wake County North Carolina Address Import

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See alsoː Wake County North Carolina Building Import


To add every missing address in Wake County to OpenStreetMap without creating duplicates.


The import will begin after both the Wake County Building Import and the Triangle bus stop Import are complete. The data from Raleigh Open Data is very accurate, however, it is missing addr:postcode tags. Using the zip code outlines also available on Raleigh Open Data, the postcodes will be added.

Import Data


Data source site: Open Data Raleigh

Data license: Word for word, the licence states that the "Wake County Geographic Information Services shall not be held liable for any errors in these data. This includes errors of omission, commission, errors concerning the content of the data, and relative and positional accuracy of the data. These data cannot be construed to be a legal document. Primary sources from which these data were compiled must be consulted for verification of information contained in these data."

Type of license: Custom

Link to permission: none

ODbL Compliance verified: yes. Basically just public domain.

OSM Data Files

I will post these to Google Drive as once I transform the data to OSM format and remove duplicates of existing addresses in the OSM database. I am delaying this until the start of the import so that the most up to date data will be used.

Import Type

A community import with the OSMUS Tasking Manager.

Data Preparation

Data Reduction & Simplification

Tagging Plans

addr:housenumber=*, addr:street=*, addr:city=*, addr:state=*, and addr:postcode=* will also be used on each address. addr:country=* will not be used, since it is unnecessary. The data has no unit addresses, meaning that an apartment complex with 150 units would have a single address point.

Changeset Tags

"source"="Open Data Raleigh" and adequate comments such as "Imported addresses in Wake County".

Data Transformation

I will complete the data transformation in the near future (before the end of August) and will update this wiki page as soon as the transformation is complete. The transformation will be very similar to the Orange and Durham County address imports.

For the Durham County import.

  • I began by downloading the data in KML format from Durham Open Data.
  • Then, I opened the data with JOSM using the opendata plugin.
  • Then, I saved the file.
  • Then, I downloaded every object (node, way, relation) with "addr:housenumber" and "addr:street" in Durham County using the Overpass API. I saved that data as a file as well.
  • I then ran my address editing program plugging in the new data and existing data. The program corrected casing (CHAPEL HILL -> Chapel Hill), created addr:street ("streetDirection"="N", "streetName" = "COLUMBIA", & "streetType"="ST" -> "addr:street"="North Columbia Street"), and removed duplicates of existing addresses by comparing the dataset to the existing addresses in the OSM database.
  • I opened the file created by the program with JOSM and did some final modifications.
  • Finally, I saved the ready-for-upload files on Google drive so that anyone could view them.

This import will follow a very similar data transformation process.

Data Transformation Results

Not yet available.

Data Merge Workflow

Team Approach

An OSMUS Tasking Manager project will be used to allow anyone to help contribute.


To be determined before the import begins.


A custom made data transformation Java program automatically removes duplicates of existing addresses from the dataset in minutes so that only missing addresses are added. Duplicate addresses will not be a problem. A method of merging the data with existing buildings/POIs will be derived later.