Worldcup 2010 Mapping Party Johannesburg

Mapping party
Mapping parties are events where anyone can come and participate in the OpenStreetMap project. OpenStreetMap is a free, open source map that can be contributed, edited and used by anyone anywhere. Mapping parties are social events where experienced and new mappers can meet to share and learn more about the project. The events are generally held in a public place, and allow time for discussion, mapping and editing. The event is open to all.
It's fun. It's free. You can help.
More about Mapping parties
- When: Saturday, 20 March 2010
- Venue: TBA
- Venue Contact: TBA
- Contact Nic Email: cell number: {{{083-765-9503}}}
- Event schedule
- Saturday
- Exact times TBA. Please email or call Nic.
- Saturday
- If you own a GPS, please bring it along. If not, we will have GPS units to loan. If you are new to OpenStreetMap it is also a good opportunity to become familiar with the concept.
- Weather: This event is rain or shine.
- RSVP: please email Nic. If you want him to pick you up and drop you off, please include you address and times you are available, so that he can try to fit you in.
Mapping objectives
To provide foreigners attending the 2010 World Cup with the best possible map, given time and budget constraints. Before the event, no restaurants, pubs or fast food outlets within a 2km radius of the stadiums were mapped.
For an overview of the current status see the Worldcup 2010 Mapping Project. It is also part of the Project_of_the_week.
- Soccer City: Done.
- Coca Cola Park / Ellis Park: No progress has been made.
- Mapped a little bit of Soweto.