Yorkregion GIS/York Region Data Imports

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York Region has a significant amount of open data available. We are hoping to share this information and enhance the OpenStreetMap through importing Address Points, Parcels and Roads.

Import Plan Outline


The goal of this import is to enhance the OpenStreetMap by adding in Parcels, Address Points and Roads for York Region.


January 2015: Write plan and receive feedback from community February 2015: Execute the first step of the import.

Import Data


All data being imported is coming from York Region's open data portal. The information will be imported by municipality due to number restraint in using the JOSM software.

Data source site: http://www.york.ca/opendatalist/
Data license: http://www.york.ca/wps/portal/yorkhome/yorkregion/yr/statisticsanddata/opendata/opendata/!ut/p/a1/jZDBTsMwDIafZYceabywrmG3UARpu6ncluWCsi1Li0pSJWGVeHrCxGUI2Hyyrc_2_xsJxJEw8thpGTprZP9Vi_lLSZ9KxmqomhkpgEJDK5wTIHUegU0E4I-gcGm-uuIAdqtipZEYZGhvOnOwiPsQFfrQ7bw0-70MEnE7KPMjWyNxWo_xbM6mBVTAGgLlY_6cPRA2hSK7ANT4G_jHYHSge7s9PWtDzfaWRKlOHZRTLn13sd2GMPhFAgmM45hqa3Wv0p1M4LeJ1vqA-BmIhjf-sby_K1-z_rikk8knfCdzrg!!/dl5/d5/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/#.VL-500eN_0M
Type of license: Adaptation of the UK Government's Open Governent License for Public Sector Information
Link to permission: As part of the Open Data York Region team, we have been granted access to publish the data on OpenStreetMap
OSM attribution: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributors#York_Region
ODbL Compliance verified: Yes

Import Type

This will be a recurring import. The data will first be imported, including the entire dataset. It will then be checked using an FME script for changes in the data that was imported. Only the changed/ updated data will then be imported into OpenStreetMap.

The import of the data onto OpenStreetMap will be done manually using JOSM (Java OpenStreetMap Editor)

Data Preparation

Tagging Plans

highway = road addr:housenumber = ADDRESS_NU ; addr:street = FULL_STREE building = yes

Data Merge Workflow

Team Approach

The imports will be done by the Open Data and Information Management Team at York Region through one OSM account.


The Regional Municipality of York is divided into 9 Municipalities. For ease of importing data through JOSM, the data will be clipped to each municipality and uploaded accordingly. After the first data upload, the changes will then be uploaded as one file from the entire region. The data will be examined and checked for accuracy before being imported.

The data is regularly checked. Any changes will be updated through new imports on a regular basis (e.g. every couple of months) throughout the year.

The Regional data will be compared to the current OSM map: If there is existing data that is the same as what we want to import, the Regional data and OSM data will be compared to identify which is superior and should be added or kept on the map.

Run JOSM validator and review any errors/ warnings it presents.