Mn:WikiProject Mongolia

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Монгол бол ази тивд байрлах өргөрөгийн 48° 54′ 36", уртрагийн 107° 30′ 0"-д байрладаг улс юм. Та газрын зургаас монгол улсыг ази тивийн төв хэсэгт байгааг харж болно.

Mongolia, Asia

latitude: Help translate this into Mongolian!48.91, longitude: Help translate this into Mongolian!107.5
Browse map of MongoliaHelp translate this into Mongolian! 48°54′36.00″ N, 107°30′00.00″ E
Edit mapHelp translate this into Mongolian!
External links:Help translate this into Mongolian!
Use this template for your city

Mongolia is a country in Asia at latitude 48°54′36.00″ North, longitude 107°30′00.00″ East.Help translate this into Mongolian!

Know about OpenStreetMap and how to map

A slideshow about OpenStreetMap in Mongolian can be found here on

Some training videos in English translated live in Mongolian can be found on the Hotosm Youtube channel:

For manuals learning OpenStreetMap step by step, visit the LearnOSM website. LearnOSM exists in English and also other languages, but not yet in Mongolian. If anyone is interested to translate some chapters, please go to GitHub where the project is hosted and create a "New issue" asking the administrators to create the frame for the Mongolian version you will translate.

Mapping projects

Until mid 2013, Mongolia has been mapped by both local mappers and foreigners/tourists as individual contributions. No talking list was existing and not coordinated mapping through eg a Tasking Manager job. In October 2013, a training and mapping project funded by ICT World Bank involving HOT, UlaanBaatar City and the Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST) has started. See here for more details.

Late 2014, UB City and The Asia Foundation partnered with DigitalGlobe and Mapbox to get WorldView-2 satellite imagery, from August of 2014 and June-July of 2013, in order to improve the map of Ulaanbaatar to make it easier for the city and citizens to plan for the delivery of urban services like solid waste removal, clean water, and access to health care, education and public transportation. This imagery was granted by DigitalGlobe for this project and processed and hosted by Mapbox. Mapping can be coordinated through Tasking Manager #703. Read the Mapbox blog post and The Asia Foundation blog post for more information about the project.



Голуудийн байрлаууд:


Specific tagging in Mongolia

Key Value Element Comment Rendering Photo
building ger area This tag can be used to tag gers rather than building=yes Mongolia building ger.jpg
manhole sewer node This tag is not present in the JOSM internal preset
karaoke yes node This tag is not present in the JOSM internal preset. Complement to amenity=pub
addr:housenumber user defined node area This tag needs to be used for the building numbers in Ulaanbaatar Ulaabaatar addr housenumber.jpg
addr:unit user defined node area This tag needs to be used for the apartment numbers that are mentioned on top on the entrances in residential buildings in Ulaanbaatar Ulaanbaatar addr unit.jpg

HOT мэдээллийн экспорт

  • Монгол улс Улаанбаатар хотын OSM мэдээлэлийг HOT Export Service, Job 4990-ийг ашиглан үзэх боломжтой.

Log in хийгээд Start on new run товчийг дарвал шинэ extract татагдсан байна.

Чи өөрийн сонирхсон бүсдээ шинээр даалгавар нээж болно.Үүний тулд хаяг нээх хэрэгтэй. Монголын бүрэн хэмжээний даалгаварыг удахгүй оруулах болно.

Энэ үйлчилгээ нь өгөгдлийн олон хэлбэрээр хангадаг. Shp файлуудыг Сансрийн судалаанд зориулсан GIS програм хангамжуудаас оруулж болно. gmapsupp.img файл Garmin GPS Nüvi-аас оруулж болно. See Garmin-д суулгах заавраа эндээс харна уу


Connect to other Openstreetmap contributors active in Mongolia:

Any question can be asked on the Hot mailing list.

Useful links

This list is made to get useful links for the Mongolian version of this page, so that a minimum of OSM resources are available in Mongolian

OSM-ийн тухай ерөнхий ойлголт

Mapping tools

  • The HOT Tasking Manager allows to efficiently divide areas for the tracing over imagery
  • The Field Papers to get an atlas of paper maps to be annotated when surveying on the field and then uploading the result that will be automatically georeferenced

Query, Analyze or Correct the data

  • Map Compare, to see the difference between OSM and other maps providers, here over Ulaanbaatar
  • Overpass Turbo to query the data, display and even export it
  • TagInfo provides statistics about all the existing tags in OSM. It can be used to correct mistakes
  • KeepRight! is a website for OSM data consistency checks and corrections

Creating WebServices

  • Consult the wikipage to know about the OSM API, based on RESTful concepts

Examples of OSM based webservices

  • OSM RM (Routing Machine) as an example of routing webservice using OSM
  • POI map as an example of webservice using OSM with WFS layers
  • ITO Maps as an example of a website proposing thematic maps based on OSM data
  • Umap as a webservice to make personal maps with OSM as a background

OSM based applications for iOS

OSM based applications for Android