Waste Processing

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Logo. Feature : Waste processing
One example for Feature : Waste processing
Relating to landfill sites and other waste management facilities.

This page lists tags related to waste processing and landfill.

How to Map

Waste collection points are tagged as follows:

Sanitary dump stations, facilites for depositing human waste from a toilet holding tank are tagged with amenity=sanitary_dump_station.

Waste transfer stations are tagged as amenity=waste_transfer_station. A waste transfer station is a collection point, where local trash is collected in order to be brought to a landfill. This may include all waste, or may only include appliances and other items which are not collected by residential trash collection services.

Landfills are tagged as landuse=landfill.

Sewage treatment plants are tagged as man_made=wastewater_plant.

Composting plants are described analogue to sewage treatment plants with man_made=composting_plant. If there is also a green waste collection point there, this can also be added as a separate node with amenity=recycling.

Roads used for access to trash collection is tagged as highway=service. This would be roads generally behind residences, where residents may place their trash cans for trash pickup. Also the commercial equivalent.

Energy production related elements are tagged as follows:

See also

  • WikiProject CircularEconomy - A page explaining how to describe all circular economy : second_hand shop, re-use, container, compost, public bookcase, shop without packaging, self repair workshop...