State of the Map 2020/registration lightning talks

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SotM 2020 Lightning Talks

The deadline for lightning talks was 28 June 2020.

Speaker name OSM username Title Short description of the content Notes
Amitha K Biju amitha k biju Mapathon Keralam Mapathon Keralam is being coordinated by the Kerala State IT Mission, with the concept of Let Us

Make Our Map.

Video uploaded
Jiri Vlasak qeef Divide and map. Now. The damn project helps mappers by dividing some big area into smaller squares that a human can map. web, deck
Zacharia Muindi muindre Kenya Covid-19 Tracker Map Kibera has launched the Kenya COVID-19 Tracker Ushahidi Instance to document geospatial data, map out resources and services being offered to the community in response to Covid-19 and track cases across Kenya. The project will improve OSM basemaps in Kibera and other informal settlements of Nairobi to allow visualisation of current status and hotspots.
Harrison Cole HarrisonCarto Mapping Historically Black Colleges and Universities in OSM Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) are schools that were established exclusively for Black Americans prior to 1964. As of June 19th, 2020, their campuses are disproportionately undermapped in OSM relative to institutions with predominately white student populations. After putting out the call to map these campuses, volunteers have come together to submit thousands of edits and ensure that the campuses are represented properly. In this talk, I give a brief overview of how far the effort has come, and what still needs to be done. Spreadsheet URL:
Jose J. Montes jjmontes DDD123-OSM:

2D and 3D render toolchain

Introducing the toolset we are building to generate 3D models from OpenStreetMap data, used in our under-development "racing in your own city" game, and sharing some pictures and videos.
Caroline Akoth


Akoth Mapping Gender issues in Kenya This lightning talk will cover Women in GIS, Kenya efforts to map gender issues in Kenya with support of our community, through #DataViz Challenges. Uploaded (Caroline_Akoth_Community Mapping)
Enock Seth Nyamador Enock4seth OSGeo + OSM Quick introduction to Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) and highlighting projects for working with OSM Data osgeo_plus_osm.mkv slides
Stefan Keller Geonick Where can you dine like a king? Synchronizing Local Datasets and OpenStreetMap using QGIS. White paper

Slides (extended version)

David Garcia mapmakerdavid Nurturing a Ministry of Mapping Who cares for the mapmakers who care? I would like to share a story about a geospatial collective about OSM and FOSS4G that we have been trying to organise in the Philippines during the pandemic. Uploaded video (David_Garcia_Nurturing a Ministry of
Ayo Akinseye lagosmapper Building the Street View Experience, Lagos, Nigeria For better Geo visualization, we built a website with Geo referenced 360 degree panorama photos. Lagos, Nigeria is our first phase. web, deck
Wille Marcel wille What's new on OSMCha? OSMCha is a validation tool for OpenStreetMap. On the last months we added some new features like visualization of relation members and more options of background imagery. Get updated on OSMCha with this talk. osmcha.mkv
Wille Marcel wille Tasking Manager 4 Tour The new version of Tasking Manager, released on April 2020, has a new completely redesigned interface. This talk is a guided tour on the main parts of Tasking Manager 4. tm4-tour-willemarcel.mkv
Andi Tabinas anditabinas Uses of Mapping for Community Care During the Pandemic How were we able to use maps for community care during the COVID-19 situation in the Philippines? Through this lightning talk, I would like to share about how our volunteer organization, Mental Health AWHEREness, has been using maps and OSM data for community care in the Philippines. (Still working on the video)
John Bryant John Bryant OpenStreetMap Data Pacific Interest in open geospatial is growing in Pacific Island countries, where budgets and data availability are big problems, but the OpenStreetMap community in the region is still small. This project aims to introduce Pacific "geo" people to OSM by providing a weekly extract of 14 countries in a GIS-friendly format, bundled with a QGIS project and enhanced with some basic cartography. (Still working on the video)
Arnalie Vicario arnalielsehwere GeoLadies PH Brief talk about GeoLadies PH, which was inspired by Maning Sambale's "How Do We Change the Ratio?" presentation in 2014. GeoLadies PH dvocates incommunity diversity, collaborative participation and affirmative spaces forwomen and under-represented communities in OpenStreetMap and the localgeospatial science community. Uploaded Video (Arnalie_Vicario_GeoLadiesPH.mkv)
Nick Whitelegg nickw Hikar.js - bringing Hikar to the web Hikar is an augmented reality app which overlays OSM ways on the camera feed of an Android device, and was presented last year at SOTM Heidelberg. The past year has seen a surge of interest in the three.js and A-Frame based augmented reality library AR.js, which allows AR apps to be developed for the web. This lightning talk summarises efforts so far to port Hikar to the web using AR.js. Video uploaded
Janet Chapman Fighting FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) with Maps
Dan Jacobson jidanni Let's map those hidden cell towers! (Not a talk, but instead just a one page article encouraging people to map hidden cell towers.) (Submitted after the deadline. No video forthcoming. Just hope it gets listed somewhere.)

If we have questions concerning your lightning talk we would use your OSM username to contact you.

We schedule it shortly before the conference in one of the lightning talk slots of the SotM schedule. Please watch the schedule shortly before the conference and during the conference to know when your lightning talk takes place. We expect that you will be available during the conference for chatting with SotM attendees about your subject. At the moment, there is room for about 16 lightning talks, so we might have to select the best ones if there are more submissions.

Questions and Contact

Please write to if you have any further questions.