Contributing FAQ

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Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about contributing.

See other FAQs at FAQ or Category:FAQ.

If you have a question not on this list, feel free to ask it in one of the Contact channels.

How can I get involved?

There are lots of ways to contribute to the OpenStreetMap project. If you have a GPS unit you can use it to collect data and use our online tools to add the data to our collection. If you don't have a GPS unit you can still help. Ways to help are listed on the Getting Involved page.

How do you communicate?

Main article: Contact channels

The OpenStreetMap community is large, spread across many locations, speak different languages, and focus on different areas of interest. So the answer is we don't always communicate very well! But we do our best.

Is there any ongoing scholarly research on OpenStreetMap?

Numerous universities worldwide are studying various aspects of OpenStreetMap or are using OSM data in their research. See Research for more information.