ES:Uruguay/Importación de caminos rurales

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Import of rural roads is an import of an INE-Uruguay (Uruguayan Institute of Statistics) dataset which includes diverse rural roads covering Uruguay. The import is currently at the planning stage.


The main goal is to improve roads database on OSM, which will be used to create routes for the 2023 Uruguay Census. For that, these are the following specific goals:

  • Spatialize rural roads self-produced by the Uruguayan Institute of Statistics, within the framework of the 2023 Census, on the OpenStreetMap platform.
  • Contribute to enrich the spatial data infrastructure of OSM in Uruguay.
  • Improve road routing pres in rural areas with the use of free software plugins (QGIS/pyqgis)


  1. December 2022: Preparation of the import proposal in the wiki and data testing and validation.
  2. January and February 2023: Discussion in the LATAM Telegram group, and submission of the import proposal to the Imports List.
  3. February 2023: Annotation in the Import Catalog.
  4. February 2023: Import begin
  5. February 2023: Import end

Import Data


Data source site Data was obtained internally by public servants of INE-Uruguay, which are also responsible for this import
Type of license: Public Domain, confirmed with INE-Uruguay. The e-mail (link below) show explicitly that data can be used on OSM, since it is considered open and free access to all users.
Link to permission: Explicit authorization.
OSM attribution: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay

OSM Data Files (example)

Import Type

JOSM - Editor Java de OpenStreetMap. Versión 18570

Data Preparation

Data Reduction & Simplification

The roads to be climbed via JOSM are of four categories:

  • CAMI1: They refer to the primary, secondary and tertiary routes drawn and officially published by the Ministry of Transport and Public Works (MTOP). It is a neighborhood/departmental road that is not yet represented in OSM or in the free use layers of the MTOP.
  • CAMI2: They are sections that are clearly recognized by Multispectral Imagery - Satellite Imagery. They are less defined roads than CAMI1, but consolidated. It can be included between double fencing (right-of-way between private plots)
  • SENDA1: They are parallel wire fences that define the circulation, a section cut off because there are no steps on hydrography, etc. The degree of consolidation is variable.
  • SENDA2: These are accesses to houses through private properties, both easily visualized (well consolidated road) or if the tracks are barely visible on the grass. (these should not be freely published on OSM, only for internal use or with permission)

The loading of these layers includes removing information that already exists but is not well-categorized or is incomplete.

Tagging Plans

  • CAMI 1:  Carretera primaria  
  • CAMI 2:    Carretera Secundaria
  • SENDA 1: Camino o Sendero (Public, viewable by all users)
  • SENDA 2:   Camino o Sendero (Private, only viewable by the INE)

Changeset Tags

source= Instituto Nacional de Estadística de la República Oriental del Uruguay

source:date= 2022

comment= Semi-automatic import of not existing Rural Roads of Uruguay


Data Transformation

The only transformation needed is to convert the tags to OSM tagging standard. This is going to be done by using JOSM.

Data Merge Workflow

Team Approach

Arq. Epur Carlos Luis Barreto - coordinator / curator (Cbarreto)

Lic. Matias Ivan Sesser - Assistant / uploader (msesser)


  1. if the traces are single or duplicated
  2. if they are private or public


  • Initially the data was drawn using google satellite base. The work was made by visual analysis by INE geomatic department.
  • Then, the data was checked by INE Administratives Registers department (RRAA) to confirm the quality of data, it must be conflated with existing data (see Conflation plan).
  • After conflating all data, it must then be opened in JOSM.
  • In JOSM, the data was validated. If duplicated roads will be found they are going to be fixed with JOSM.
  • In JOSM will be done to upload the data. The data will be uploaded and tagged depending on the kind of road it is, it means: “Cami 1”, “Cami 1”, “Senda 1” or “Senda 2”
  • If necessary, the changes will be undone or updated using the JOSM/Plugins/Reverter plugin.


If some roads already exist, they will be conflated with the new data using QGIS before the data will upload in JOSM.


After uploading to OSM, we can check some issues such as if roads are exactly on an existing place. Given the high-quality accuracy (positioning), this data can be used to fix roads and housing positioning, for example.

See also