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This is a comparison of OSM public transit route data with HSL ferry transit data (via generated by a script.

Summary of ferry transit in HSL region.

19 lines in OSM.

18 lines in HSL.

13 lines in OSM but not in HSL

Haukilahti-Iso Vasikkasaari (1), Itäinen saaristoreitti (1), Kivenlahden reitti (1), Klippanin yhteysvene (1), Läntinen saaristoreitti (1), Merisataman lautta (1), Nokkala-Iso Vasikkasaari (1), Otaniemen linja (1), Pentalan reitti (1), Sirpalesaaren yhteysvene (1), Suomenoja-Iso Vasikkasaari (1), Valkosaaren yhteysvene (1), Vuosaari-Kaunissaari (1)

12 lines in HSL but not in OSM

Kauppatori - Suomenlinna ja Lonna, Kauppatori - Vallisaari, Kivenlahden reitti (kiertävä reitti Stora Herrön suuntaan), Kivenlahden reitti (kiertävä reitti Suinonsalmen suuntaan), Merisatama-Pihlajasaari-Ruoholahti-Pihlajasaari, Otaniemen reitti, Reitti Haukilahti - Nokkala - Iso Vasikkasaari, Reitti Ison Vasikkasaaren ja Suomenojan välillä, Saaristomuseo Pentalan reitti, Saaristovenereitti pyöräilijöille (Kivenlahti-Otaniemi), Saaristovenereitti pyöräilijöille (Otaniemi-Kivenlahti), Stora Herrö - Otaniemi

3 lines without a 'ref' tag

Silja Line: Helsinki => Mariehamn => Stockholm, Silja Line: Stockholm => Mariehamn => Helsinki, Travemünde – Helsinki

Old lines

0 routes with type 'was:route=ferry'
0 routes with type 'disused:route=ferry'

HSL ferry lines in OSM

This table compares HSL ferry routes with OSM routes. The checker uses Refined public transport schema as a reference.

Direction 0 Direction 1
Route Master Match OSM HSL Tags Shape Platf. OSM HSL Tags Shape Platf.
17 No Uniq. 15827649 HSL:1017:1:01 OK 85% 2/2 15827650 HSL:1017:0:01 OK 85% 2/2
19 8051359 Uniq. 155054 HSL:1019:1:01 OK 75% +1 -1 8051358 HSL:1019:1:01 OK 75% 2/2
19E 8066690 Uniq. 8066688 HSL:1019E:1:01 diffs 100% 2/2 8066689 HSL:1019E:0:01 diffs 100% 2/2

3 lines total.

3 lines with differences.


Direction 0, route 15827649, HSL:1017:1:01


Route 15827649 overlap (tolerance 100 m) with HSL pattern HSL:1017:1:01 is 85 %.

Direction 1, route 15827650, HSL:1017:0:01


Route 15827650 overlap (tolerance 100 m) with HSL pattern HSL:1017:0:01 is 85 %.


Direction 0, route 155054, HSL:1019:1:01


Route 155054 overlap (tolerance 100 m) with HSL pattern HSL:1019:1:01 is 75 %.


2/2 platforms in OSM / HSL.

--- OSM
+++ HSL
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@

Direction 1, route 8051358, HSL:1019:1:01


Route 8051358 overlap (tolerance 100 m) with HSL pattern HSL:1019:1:01 is 75 %.


Direction 0, route 8066688, HSL:1019E:1:01


Tag name has value '19E Suomenlinna, huoltolaituri–Katajanokka' (should be either '19E Katajanokka–Suomenlinna' or '19E Suomenlinna–Katajanokka').

Direction 1, route 8066689, HSL:1019E:0:01


Tag name has value '19E Katajanokka–Suomenlinna, huoltolaituri' (should be either '19E Katajanokka–Suomenlinna' or '19E Suomenlinna–Katajanokka').

Saaristoliikenne ferry lines in OSM

This table compares Saaristoliikenne ferry routes with OSM routes. The checker uses Refined public transport schema as a reference.

Direction 0 Direction 1
Route Master Match OSM HSL Tags Shape Platf. OSM HSL Tags Shape Platf.
Kauppatori-Korkeasaari No maybe 9702712 N/A OK N/A N/A
Merisatama-Pihlajasaari No maybe 9703563 N/A OK N/A N/A
Ruoholahti-Pihlajasaari No maybe 9703642 N/A OK N/A N/A

3 lines total.

3 lines with differences.


0 route pattern(s) in Saaristoliikenne, matching may be wrong.

9702712 -> None

Direction 0, route 9702712, <No HSL route>


Shape for route 9702712 not available from provider.


Platforms could not be compared.


0 route pattern(s) in Saaristoliikenne, matching may be wrong.

9703563 -> None

Direction 0, route 9703563, <No HSL route>


Shape for route 9703563 not available from provider.


Platforms could not be compared.


0 route pattern(s) in Saaristoliikenne, matching may be wrong.

9703642 -> None

Direction 0, route 9703642, <No HSL route>


Shape for route 9703642 not available from provider.


Platforms could not be compared.