Foundation/Local Chapters/Meetings/2020-10 with OSMF board

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There will be a meeting of Local Chapter representatives with the OSMF board.

  • Date and time: Monday 5 October 2020, 20:00 London time (Timezones - Countdown).
  • Videoconferencing room: If you have a low-bandwidth environment you can use BigBlueButton's low-bandwidth setting.
    • You do not need to register. Just type your name and country and press "Join".
    • The room will open ~20' before the meeting, if you want to test your settings.

Topics suggested by OSMF Board

  • Requested feedback on the Local Chapter presentation at monthly board meetings In 2020, the OSMF Board invited a local chapter to give a presentation every month at the montly board meeting. How has that been going? Have LCs liked it? Dislike it?

Topics suggested by LC representatives


  • Local Chapter signup link on the website
  • Shared (or supported) IT systems to reduce burden on local chapters and avoid duplication of effort
  • Concerns over how we communicate (both between OSMF and community members, but also between community members)
  • Potential to expose messaging API to the LCs.
  • Why we should be supporting the Microcosms project.