Foundation/Local Chapters/United States/Minutes/2019/11/19

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  • Steven
  • Jonah
  • Maggie
  • Ian
  • Alyssa
  • Minh

Old business

October 24 board meeting minutes approved.



  • Community survey out
  • Good reaction to first newsletter, second one coming out
  • Charlotte Wolter volunteering to copyedit and gather tidbits
  • Austin Bell collaborating on podcast following discussion at SotMUS
    • Austin to reach out to German community about Radio OSM


  • Code of Conduct committee forming, goal is 5 people

Local chapter status

  • Addendum draft went out, made some edits, OSMF board to discuss at meeting tomorrow
  • Maggie reaching out to local chapters working group, which will hopefully get recognition as working group soon
  • We will meet again after OSMF board gets back to us

Meetings and conferences

  • GeoWeek last week
    • Critigen mapped in 24 cities – to include in newsletter and blog
  • Maggie met with Johns Hopkins data center director
  • Maggie confirmed as keynote speaker in Banff
  • Maggie helping to plan FedGeo day February 13–14 in D.C. to make OSM a bigger presence
  • Maggie collaborating with DoT on weekly mapping feature and FedGeo planning

SotMUS 2020

  • Waiting for other letters of intent

Executive director

  • Maggie to do more strategy and 2020 planning next month
  • Hiring Maggie as executive director

New business

Strategic planning

  • Dedicated meeting for 2020 planning with outside folks, maybe as hook to garner interest in next election
  • Should contain tactical information, consider capacity
  • Think about governance structure in strategic plan

Next board election

  • Need to complete SotMUS site selection and local chapter agreement first
  • Bylaw changes can be proposed for next election
  • Maggie to propose election timeline

Open discussion

  • Minh to reach out to Martijn about continuing Mappy Hours
  • In the future, encourage U.S. community members to participate in OSMF board
  • Jonah discussed cartographic (non-OSM) work he’s doing for OSM-related companies