Foundation/Local Chapters/United States/Minutes/2024/04/18

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April 18, 2024 regular meeting of the OpenStreetMap United States Board of Directors

Call to Order

Diane called the meeting to order at 3:03pm, Eastern, via video conference.


  • Diane Fritz, President
  • Maggie Cawley, Executive Director
  • Matthew Whilden, Secretary
  • Harrison Devine, incoming Treasurer
  • Levente Juhasz, incoming Vice President
  • Priyanka Miller, at large

Approval of Minutes

  • March minutes - approved


  • The Executive Director (ED) provided an update to the board on OSM US’s activities over the prior month.
    • Report reviewed ahead of time to leave meeting time mainly for State of the Map US planning

Old Business

  • State of the Map US registration
    • 108 registrations, 80 outstanding speaker registrations expected

New Business

  • Review State of the Map US volunteer schedule
  • State of the Map US closing session
    • Board has agreed to handle some of this session. Needs brainstorming.
  • Discuss State of the Map US 2025 location.
  • Question from a member about board meeting transparency - open meetings?
    • The board is open to addressing concerns about transparency with various activities. As always, reach out in #board-forum on the OSMUS Slack with any questions about posted minutes etc.
  • Any OSMF AB items to report?
    • Imagery discussion, run by HOT this time after filling in for Maggie last meeting
    • Continues to be an issue globally that needs Foundation attention.
  • State of the Map US 2024, board attendance
    • Everyone on the board is attending
    • Working out volunteer sheet and where we can slot in, will fill in as needed
  • Harrison met and reviewed accounting documents with Maggie and Nellie.
    • Taxes are on track to be filed.
    • Complexity with booking the charter project funding is being addressed


  • Adjourned at 3:55 pm.
  • Next board meeting to be held May 29, 2024