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Guam, United States

latitude: 13.4464, longitude: 144.7929
Browse map of Guam 13°26′47.04″ N, 144°47′34.44″ E
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Guam is an unincorporated and organized territory in the United States at latitude 13°26′47.04″ North, longitude 144°47′34.44″ East.

Guam's admin_level=* tagging

As a US territory, Guam itself (including its territorial waters) is tagged admin_level=4. The US exercises a federal-level Exclusive Economic Zone further out to sea around Guam, delineated with admin_level=2.

In US territories, administrative subdivisions are known as "municipalities," similar to "counties" in states. Guam has 19 municipalities, called "villages" (see [W] Villages_of_Guam). Like other municipalities in US territories (and like counties in US states), Guam's villages are tagged admin_level=6.