Humanitarian OSM Team/Board Elections 2022/Candidate Responses to 2022 Official HOT Membership Questions

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All questions were sent to the candidates in both English and French (Translated via Candidates were encouraged to answer in a language that was comfortable to them, and should the responses need to be translated back to English, the Election Committee would do so, again using DeepL.

Candidates were provided the Official Questions from the membership here: Talk:Humanitarian_OSM_Team/Board_Elections_2022. While questions were separated by theme, there may have been some overlapping responses in some of these questions. Responses from candidates may be combined in their previous answers or may have chosen not to answer that particular question. Please read read all responses to get a better understanding of the candidate's thoughts.


The ordering follows the order of Humanitarian_OSM_Team/Board_Elections_2022#Nominations_for_Humanitarian_OpenStreetMap_Team_Board_of_Directors.

Answers per question


1. How have you contributed to HOT's efforts over the past year?

Comment avez-vous contribué aux efforts de HOT au cours de l'année écoulée ?

Kate Chapman

I have primarily contributed to HOT as the President of the Board of Directors over the past year. Activities I have contributed to specifically have included

  • Chairing board meetings and facilitating HOT's in person board meeting
  • Membership in the Executive and Finance Committees
  • Member of the Governance Working Group
  • Interfacing with and managing the HOT Board Executive Assistant
  • Working with staff on communications regarding the Executive Director Transition
  • Facilitating sessions at State of the Map regarding the Living Strategy and Open Communities

My main goal during the past year is to work with the rest of the board to transition to be more strategic. It is important to have clear partnership and collaboration with staff but also not step into each others roles.

Anni Beukes

Along with my colleague Royal Mabakeng at the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) we supported the Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia to establish an OSM Mapping Community for the youth within their organization.  I have supported their successful application to two grants from HOT and continue to support and mentor them as they navigate building their community. One of the projects I am currently working on with the team is refining a localized tagging guide to support local mappers to accurately identify and tag objects from the ground into OSM. I am a Voting Member of HOT since June 2022.

Avec mon collègue Royal Mabakeng de l'Université des sciences et de la technologie de Namibie (NUST), nous avons aidé la Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia à établir une communauté de cartographie OSM pour les jeunes de leur organisation.  J'ai soutenu leur demande de deux subventions de la part de HOT et je continue à les soutenir et à les encadrer dans la construction de leur communauté. L'un des projets sur lesquels je travaille actuellement avec l'équipe est le perfectionnement d'un guide de marquage localisé pour aider les cartographes locaux à identifier et à marquer avec précision les objets du sol dans OSM. Je suis membre votant de HOT depuis juin 2022.

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Mary Liwhu Marcellinus

As a current voting member of HOT, I have been involved in voting and electing new members to the board and voting membership. I have contributed/map  HOT projects within and outside Nigeria. I also trained beginners on how to contribute by using iD editor and RapiD. I presented a talk on the day of International Women's Day.

Angela Odour Lungati

I’m a voting member of HOT, and in the past year have participated in voting exercises to elect new members of the board, and nominating new members.

I’m also a member of the East Africa Hub board. Locally, I’ve worked with members of the HOT community e.g Map Kibera on our recently concluded Kenyan Elections project.

Lamine N'diaye

As a voting member of HOT, I have had, during the last year, to participate in the different solicitations made to the members through the elections of the new voting members but also on the work of different working groups that solicited the participation of the voting members in their reflections on the different aspects of the life of the community. At the local level, I had to assist in the installation of the Western and North Africa Hub when it was set up in Senegal and also to co-lead training activities done by the latter during the international women's day.

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Chad Blevins

As current Chair of the Voting Membership I organize the New Voting Members election and Board election while representing the Membership at Governance and Board meetings. I currently chair the Western Hemisphere Data Quality Working Group and have been an active participant for two years. In addition I always participate in the annual HOT Summit/UnSummit and have been an active voting member since 2017, I also occasionally contributed to mapping projects : )

2. Do you see any potential conflicts of interest with you being elected to the Board/Chair position?

Voyez-vous des conflits d'intérêts potentiels liés à votre élection au conseil d'administration/présidence ?

Kate Chapman

I do not currently work in the OSM or mapping space, so I think there is not too much potential for conflict of interest. I am on the Board of Directors of Software Freedom Conservancy which is responsible for Outreachy so there is a small potential there. If potential conflicts of interest arise I will bring them up to the board immediately so they can be discussed and managed.

Anni Beukes

None. I derive no income directly or indirectly from HOT. My work with the OSM Mapping Community in Namibia is voluntary and, in the event, where funding decisions for this community are under discussion, if elected to the Board I will recuse myself from the decision-making process.

Aucun. Je ne tire aucun revenu direct ou indirect de HOT. Mon travail avec la communauté cartographique OSM en Namibie est bénévole et, dans l'éventualité où des décisions de financement pour cette communauté seraient discutées, si je suis élu au Conseil, je me récuserai du processus de décision.

Mary Liwhu Marcellinus

None. Let's see it like this. Y=X + A

Y is the result I am aiming at, X is where I am and A is the action I need to take. And if A is 0, I will remain in X. So I do something(A) to change from X to Y.

Angela Odour Lungati

I’m not a member of staff at HOT, but lead an organisation that has close ties to HOT. I don’t see this as a conflict of interest, as we’ve always strived to collaborate on projects with each other. If any conflicts do arise, I would be forthright in declaring them and recusing myself from any decision making process,

Lamine N'diaye

As I am not on the HOT staff at this time, I do not believe that my appointment to the board will create a conflict of interest, but if it should arise during my tenure, I will bring it to the attention of the board so that it can be discussed and the best course of action taken for the benefit of the community.

Chad Blevins

Although I do work and collaborate with others in the OSM space I see this as complimentary to my role at HOT rather than a conflict.

3. What is working well in HOT? What is not working well with HOT?

Qu'est-ce qui fonctionne bien dans HOT ? Qu'est-ce qui ne fonctionne pas bien dans HOT?

Kate Chapman

HOT is in a special place right now with the funding from Audacious. It has the opportunity to do things different than other organizations. The transition and opening of the Regional Hubs has been amazing, but further work needs to happen to ensure those most impacted have access to the geodata they need. This can be either directly to make their own decisions or through an intermediary group that is putting the needs and the desires of community first.

Anni Beukes

As I am entirely new to how HOT functions and works from the inside-out, this is a question I hope that I will be able to answer once I have had an opportunity to listen to and learn from members, staff and other members of the community. What has encouraged me to become more actively involved in HOT, and where I hope to contribute to is the direction it has taken to include sustainable cities and communities and public health in its impact areas and support local and localized mapping. As a scientist of cities, I value good quality data (especially spatial) in my work and as an advocate for epistemic justice and the inclusion of marginalized communities into the knowledge production processes and activities that make good quality and equitable data possible, where HOT is located within the ecosystem of data generators and users makes complete sense to me.  The decentralisation into regional hubs and increasing localisation and support towards on the ground mapping is something that I think is prudent and working well especially in our current context where remote mapping is increasingly enabled by AI and other technologies.

Comme je ne connais pas du tout le fonctionnement de HOT, c'est une question à laquelle j'espère pouvoir répondre lorsque j'aurai eu l'occasion d'écouter et d'apprendre des membres, du personnel et des autres membres de la communauté. Ce qui m'a encouragé à m'impliquer plus activement dans HOT, et ce à quoi j'espère contribuer, c'est la direction qu'il a prise pour inclure les villes et communautés durables et la santé publique dans ses domaines d'impact et soutenir la cartographie locale et localisée. En tant que scientifique des villes, j'attache de l'importance aux données de bonne qualité (en particulier spatiales) dans mon travail et en tant que défenseur de la justice épistémique et de l'inclusion des communautés marginalisées dans les processus et activités de production de connaissances qui rendent possibles des données de bonne qualité et équitables, l'emplacement de HOT dans l'écosystème des générateurs et des utilisateurs de données me semble tout à fait logique.  La décentralisation dans des centres régionaux et l'augmentation de la localisation et du soutien à la cartographie sur le terrain sont, selon moi, des mesures prudentes qui fonctionnent bien, en particulier dans le contexte actuel où la cartographie à distance est de plus en plus rendue possible par l'IA et d'autres technologies.

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Mary Liwhu Marcellinus

There is no must motivation at the grassroots(most times, the volunteers are discouraged because they are not being motivated with some logistics).

HOT has being doing well in area of achieving it vision by mobilizing volunteers to contribute to OSM to increase relieve access to geo data world where everyone is counted.

Angela Odour Lungati

HOT’s future is very bright, and as I mentioned before, am excited about the audacious goals. I’m also happy with the increased dedicated focus on the regional hubs.

However, I think there’s work to be done to figure out how these hubs work together and harmonisation of their governance structures to meet HOT’s overall goals.

Lamine N'diaye

Today, there is a significant shift in the trajectory HOT is taking by placing the community at the center of its concerns, and this is especially important with the establishment of regional HUBs that are not only governance-wise, but are also ahead of the curve in terms of providing support and assistance to communities and helping to relay their aspirations to the central level while contextualizing the decisions coming from the top management of HOT.

Chad Blevins

These next few years will be critical to HOT. For the next few years they have stable funding and have laid the foundation to build from. It is now time to focus on building cohesion from within the organization and executing goals laid out in Audacious.

4. You will be part of the board that will recruit a new Executive Director for HOT. What are in your eyes the most important characteristics of this new Executive Director?

Vous ferez partie du conseil d'administration qui recrutera un nouveau directeur exécutif pour HOT. Quelles sont à vos yeux les caractéristiques les plus importantes de ce nouveau directeur exécutif?

Kate Chapman

HOT has created a clear Living Strategy. Volunteers, membership, staff and the board have all contributed to this strategy and the board believes in it. The most important characteristics of a new Executive Director is someone who firmly believes in the regional model and is committed to transparency and community. We will not be looking forward someone to change everything, especially the strategy. We will want a leader who can take that strategy and enable HOT to make it a reality.

Anni Beukes

The next Executive Director for HOT should build on, and with the Living Strategy as it has evolved and continues to do so. Imperative, would be the ability to lead and harmonise with the membership, volunteers and Board an organization that is growing and shifting in structure. HOT’s relevance in a data ecosystem where new technologies like the increasing ability of AI to trace the globe and making some of its core practices redundant, requires careful navigation and balancing to maintain its place along with others to ensure that data values that resonate with equity, sustainability and honouring the agency of especially non-historic data producers and users is sustained.

Le prochain directeur exécutif de HOT devra s'appuyer sur la stratégie vivante, telle qu'elle a évolué et continue d'évoluer. Il devra impérativement être capable de diriger et d'harmoniser avec les membres, les bénévoles et le conseil d'administration une organisation en pleine croissance et dont la structure évolue. La pertinence de HOT dans un écosystème de données où les nouvelles technologies, comme la capacité croissante de l'IA à parcourir le monde, rendent certaines de ses pratiques de base redondantes, exige une navigation et un équilibre prudents pour maintenir sa place avec d'autres afin de garantir le maintien des valeurs des données qui résonnent avec l'équité, la durabilité et l'honneur de l'agence des producteurs et des utilisateurs de données non historiques.

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Mary Liwhu Marcellinus

Angela Odour Lungati

The new ED need to continue the legacy of transparency and collaboration with all stakeholders of HOT in implementing strategy. For me, one key characteristic is having a deep understanding of HOT’s community, and a commitment to it’s continued inclusion in strategy implementation.

Lamine N'diaye

for years HOT, through numerous consultations has managed to refine its strategy highlighting the principles of good governance with the community at the center of this strategy. For me, one of the main capabilities that an executive director must have to continue Tyler's work is transparency in the management and involvement of all stakeholders on governance issues and the life of communities.

Chad Blevins

I feel the most important characteristics of a new ED are someone who understands the mission and community that drives HOT, has experience transfering and expanding knowledge globally, and has the experience it takes to lead such a dynamic organization.

5. The basics of HOT’s governance model were set 10 years ago in very different circumstances (nominated membership, board members selected from and voted by membership). What are the strengths and weaknesses of HOT’s governance model in 2022, and what would you advocate changing?

Les bases du modèle de gouvernance de HOT ont été établies il y a 10 ans dans des circonstances très différentes (membres nommés, membres du conseil d'administration sélectionnés et votés par les membres). Quelles sont les forces et les faiblesses du modèle de gouvernance de HOT en 2022, et que préconisez-vous de changer?

Kate Chapman

The membership model never envisioned having as many members as we do today. HOT came out of a very specific need and was not pictured becoming what it is today at the time. Having members from all over the world is a strength, but having them all primarily come from a geography background is a weakness. I believe we should change the way the board is comprised to be able to bring on specific other types of expertise to the board. I also think we should consider offering a stipend to board members as expecting people to spend significant volunteer time serving on the board of an org with 100 staff is not equitable for everyone.

Anni Beukes

I believe the strength of HOT’s governance model is in its transparency, and I think this is something not to be taken for granted – especially in an organization that spans such geographic breadth and is situated in a world that is marked by historic power differentials and access. I see the challenge 10 years on from its establishment, as not necessarily being its relevance for where the organization is at today, but rather in how inclusive the governance structure will be of the next generation of leaders emerging at the regional level in the next 10 years. This inclusion goes beyond representation, it necessarily includes efforts to mentor and support emerging leaders. The question for me therefore is in what ways will HOT foster and nurture the capabilities within the Hubs, build capacities and prevent burn-out in the next generation of locally situated and rooted leaders who will be voted into voting membership and potentially elected into the board.

La force du modèle de gouvernance de HOT réside dans sa transparence, et je pense qu'il s'agit d'un élément à ne pas prendre pour acquis - surtout dans une organisation qui couvre une telle étendue géographique et qui est située dans un monde marqué par des différences de pouvoir et d'accès historiques. Je considère que le défi, dix ans après sa création, ne réside pas nécessairement dans sa pertinence par rapport à la situation actuelle de l'organisation, mais plutôt dans le degré d'inclusion de la structure de gouvernance par rapport à la prochaine génération de dirigeants qui émergeront au niveau régional au cours des dix prochaines années. Cette inclusion va au-delà de la représentation, elle inclut nécessairement des efforts pour encadrer et soutenir les leaders émergents. La question que je me pose est donc la suivante : de quelle manière HOT va-t-il favoriser et entretenir les capacités au sein des carrefours, renforcer les capacités et prévenir l'épuisement de la prochaine génération de leaders locaux et enracinés qui seront élus comme membres votants et potentiellement élus au conseil d'administration.

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Mary Liwhu Marcellinus

HOT have an organised structure of organogram of an organisation and the election into various positions is well organised. But I see that there are a lot of politics which I feel should not be. That is what I see as a weakness of HOT.

Angela Odour Lungati

The voting membership is both a strength, and weakness for me. As mentioned by other candidates, it helps to have diverse membership. I think worldwide engagement of the membership needs to be much more intentional. That seems to be a gap.

There also needs to be much more clarity on how the staff contribute, and moreso, how the regional hubs fit into all this from a governance perspective. e.g. how to the regional boards interact with the main board, etc.

Lamine N'diaye

Like any human work, HOT's governance model, although the result of a long process involving the participation of everyone, can be subject to improvements. For my part, the fact that the staff is outside the process of making important decisions affecting the life of the community is something to be discussed again because given their number and the role they play in the execution of current affairs , he must have a say in the decisions concerning them, especially since some of them remain members of the HOT community.

The other aspect is the work of the members of the board which in my opinion is of paramount importance and deserves to be remunerated so that the people appointed can devote themselves to it full time given the many challenges that await us

Chad Blevins

As a true global organization there is no lack of diversity from within HOT, the board, or voting membership. Over the past few years HOT has grown and expanded their community beyond what started as a very OSM-centric crowd. As geospatial data experts HOT should consider expanding their expertise among key partners working in the humanitarian and development space.

6. What do you see as the greatest challenge the organization is facing strategically, and as a board member, how do you plan on approaching these challenges?

Quel est, selon vous, le plus grand défi stratégique auquel l'organisation est confrontée et, en tant que membre du conseil d'administration, comment envisagez-vous de relever ces défis?

Kate Chapman

The biggest challenge is implementation of the Living Strategy. Moving from a Globally focused organization to a Regional is in process but will take time to be fully realized. HOT also much consider what happens after the end of the funding from Audacious and how the org can be sustainable after that.

From a very practical perspective the biggest challenge of the board is to recruit and hire the next Executive Director who can face in partnership with the board these challenges.

Anni Beukes

I see the greatest challenge the organization faces strategically as the transition of the current Executive Director and the search for a new Executive Director. An executive director for HOT doesn’t just require skill and competence, there is I believe a personality, kindness and sense of compassion that the job requires and individuals like these are not as plentiful in the world, and especially at this level, as we would like to believe.

Je considère que le plus grand défi auquel l'organisation est confrontée sur le plan stratégique est la transition du directeur exécutif actuel et la recherche d'un nouveau directeur exécutif. Un directeur exécutif pour HOT n'exige pas seulement des aptitudes et des compétences, mais aussi, je crois, une personnalité, une gentillesse et un sens de la compassion, et des individus comme ceux-là ne sont pas aussi nombreux dans le monde, et surtout à ce niveau, que nous aimerions le croire.

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Mary Liwhu Marcellinus

One of the core objectives of HOT "To support deployment to the field". This has been fully achieved. As a board member, I will work together with other board members to roll out a program that will be tailor towards how to go to the field and verify the information that has been mapped and emphasis will be on " map areas you know very well"/ find out the accurate information concerning that area.

Angela Odour Lungati
Continuity of strategy implementation, given Tyler’s exit would be my top choice. Working closely with other board members to ensure the selection of an appropriate successor would be top on my agenda.

Lamine N'diaye

HOT's strategy of putting the community at the center of these concerns to achieve the objectives of the Audacious program by allowing local governance and contextualization of its mission through the installation of regional HUBs is one of the major challenges we face .

To achieve our Audacious goals, Tyler told us that: "we know HOT must be part of a movement that champions local people, local devices, and open knowledge and data to solve local problems. The movement must be inclusive, representative, and the value must flow through it in multiple directions. The resources that come from the Audacious Prize can help support this, but only if they enrich the movement as a whole".

And to do so, the new Executive Director will have to count on the collaboration of the board but also of all the stakeholders of the HOT community.

Chad Blevins

One of the biggest challenges HOT is currently facing is maintaining the ability to function as a fast and nimble organization while growing at an exponential rate. I don't have specific numbers but am fairly confident there are more voting members now that are HOT staff then ever before. That translates into a more active voting membership but possible detracts from the intellectual diversity of the organization.

7. How can we support HOT volunteers who may experience burnout as we work towards HOT's Audacious goals (including Voting Member and non-Voting Member volunteers), while the number of HOT paid staff grows?

Comment pouvons-nous soutenir les bénévoles de HOT qui risquent de s'épuiser en travaillant à la réalisation des objectifs audacieux de HOT (y compris les bénévoles des membres votants et des membres sans droit de vote), alors que le nombre de salariés de HOT augmente ? ), alors que le nombre d'employés rémunérés de HOT augmente?

Kate Chapman

It is important to balance what work is done by paid staff and that done by volunteers. HOT needs to ensure we do not ask too much of volunteers as well and the benefit that caused them to volunteer in the first place is not lost.

Anni Beukes

As HOT has moved to more on-the-ground mapping and engagement with communities through the Audacious project, the faces of HOT Volunteers have literally changed. First, I think there must be an acknowledgement that today volunteers are situated and embedded in structural and systemic realities that are very different from those of the average HOT volunteer 10 or even 5 years ago. Then I think it would be required to make a thoughtful and structured effort to understand the exact reasons why volunteers are experiencing burn-out and find ways to collectively and collaboratively support context specific pathways to ameliorate burn-out and other challenges volunteers are facing.

Depuis que HOT s'est tourné vers la cartographie et l'engagement sur le terrain avec les communautés par le biais du projet Audacious, les visages des bénévoles de HOT ont littéralement changé. Tout d'abord, je pense qu'il faut reconnaître que les bénévoles d'aujourd'hui sont situés et intégrés dans des réalités structurelles et systémiques qui sont très différentes de celles du bénévole moyen de HOT il y a 10 ou même 5 ans. Ensuite, je pense qu'il faudrait faire un effort réfléchi et structuré pour comprendre les raisons exactes pour lesquelles les bénévoles connaissent l'épuisement professionnel et trouver des moyens de soutenir collectivement et en collaboration des voies spécifiques au contexte pour améliorer l'épuisement professionnel et les autres défis auxquels les bénévoles sont confrontés.

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Mary Liwhu Marcellinus

This can be done by constantly supporting the volunteers with Internet subscriptions since is more of remote mapping and stipends.

For the voting members, at least quarterly support with stipends so that they will not burn out but keep motivated.

I feel if this is not done, the number of HOT pay staff will increase than that of the volunteers because they will go for what will pay them. putting in their time, resources and stress. They will want to pay for that.

Angela Odour Lungati

I think we need to provide more clarity on pieces of work that need to be handled by staff, and those by the amazing community of volunteers. Next, would be to think critically about providing remuneration for participation that goes over and beyond.

Lamine N'diaye

Balancing volunteer time with employee time in the context that the work is done within HOT is difficult.

Many people in the community don't count the hours they spend on a project because their passion outweighs their pay.

Whether it's board members, staff, or community grantees, work time and volunteer work overlap.

today if there are resources available for staff to deal with burnout we should consider offering them to our volunteers if possible.

Increasing grant amounts may also help to address some of the volunteer wellness aspects during the campaigns.

Chad Blevins

As a volunteer who dedicates several hours per week to the organization it would be nice to have a more formal process for engaging the correct staff to support volunteer efforts. Leading efforts, such as the data quality working group, are difficult as a volunteer because it isn't always clear which internal efforts may compliment the work of volunteers.

8. What is/are the impact/s of the shift from global to regional structure of HOT on voting members? Conversely, how do you think the voting members should interact (e.g. what is their role) with the Regional Hubs?

Quel est l'impact du passage d'une structure mondiale à une structure régionale de HOT sur les membres votants ? Inversement, comment pensez-vous que les membres votants devraient interagir (par exemple, quel est leur rôle) avec les centres régionaux?

Kate Chapman

We need to think about the reasons we might change the overall governance structure of HOT. Does it make sense to remain with one global organizations and while the Hubs are incorporated separately they are still controlled by the global org. Different organizations manage this in different ways and I think we need to figure out if one thing works globally for the entire movement or if different regions have different needs.

Anni Beukes

The shift to a regional structure has localized and contextualised HOT’s work more concretely and really brings it into the everyday lives of members and volunteers! I see this in the broad and hyper-active engagement on a platform like the OSM Africa WhatsApp group and of course my daily Twitter feed. I take the faith members have placed in me very seriously, and as a voting member I believe that part of my role should be increase the representation of our Hubs (yes we have two!) both at the governance level in HOT, but also OSM Community more widely. We have an incredibly vibrant, talented and committed membership in Africa and whether on the Board or not, it is my hope to contribute to making the kinds of enabling environments possible that will continue to make their work possible and bring them joy in mapping and learning.

Le passage à une structure régionale a permis de localiser et de contextualiser plus concrètement le travail de HOT et de le faire entrer dans la vie quotidienne des membres et des bénévoles ! Je le vois dans l'engagement large et hyperactif sur une plateforme comme le groupe WhatsApp d'OSM Africa et, bien sûr, dans mon fil Twitter quotidien. Je prends très au sérieux la confiance que les membres ont placée en moi et, en tant que membre votant, je pense qu'une partie de mon rôle devrait être d'augmenter la représentation de nos Hubs (oui, nous en avons deux !) à la fois au niveau de la gouvernance de HOT, mais aussi de la communauté OSM dans son ensemble. Nous avons des membres incroyablement dynamiques, talentueux et engagés en Afrique et, que je sois membre du conseil d'administration ou non, j'espère contribuer à la mise en place d'environnements favorables qui continueront à rendre leur travail possible et à leur apporter la joie de cartographier et d'apprendre.

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Mary Liwhu Marcellinus

The actors(volunteers) knowing that they have some persons as voting members will feel welcomed and that they will have a say in the global community because of their person(s) who is representing their region there.

With this, their role and impact will be felt down to the grassroots. They will train and mentor new leaders that will take over from them when they are burn out. Develop wider community from the grassroots.

Angela Odour Lungati

This is still largely unclear, and a topic that needs to be addressed within HOT.

Having the regional structures helps with better focus and decentralisation, I think more should be done to ensure regional hub participation at the global level. That should mean intentional representation of the regional hubs in the voting membership, and could also mean, representation of the regional hubs on the board.

Lamine N'diaye

As a voting member of HOT the recent establishment of a regional hub has been an opportunity to become more involved in the smooth running of the community by having local cross-collaborators to contextualize HOT's missions to our socio-cultural realities and to put forward the priorities of the community while keeping in mind HOT's overall goals.

Finding people within the HUB who listen to the communities and strive to enhance our work to me is one of the best things that happens to our organization.

The decentralization of some of the governance bodies allows me to delegate more responsibility to the local level and that can translate into more ownership of the organization, coupled with more inclive, diverse and ongoing participation;

Chad Blevins
9. What are the most important things the HOT board should be doing for the 1. membership 2. board 3. staff 4. global OSM community?

Quelles sont les choses les plus importantes que le conseil d'administration de HOT devrait faire pour 1. les membres 2. le conseil 3. le personnel 4. la communauté mondiale de l'OSM ?

Kate Chapman

The HOT board needs to be as transparent as possible with all the groups and engage with them in different ways. For the membership I think working to think through if the current membership model is the best way to engage right now. For the board continue to elevate the board's processes and where we spend our time to make the best decisions possible for the org and movement. For the staff ensure HOT is a good workplace and people can do their best work to support the movement. For the global OSM community it is important for the HOT board to consider what areas are HOT's role and what belong in the hands of other OSM interest groups.

Anni Beukes

As I am relatively new to HOT from the inside-out, again I would have to say that I need to have a better understanding of the particularities of HOT and the needs and aspirations of these groups to be able to answer substantively to question 1 -3. For the global OSM Community I believe HOT functions somehow as the conscious of the community and I believe this is the most important thing it has to continue to do.

Étant donné que je suis relativement nouveau à HOT de l'intérieur vers l'extérieur, je dois dire que j'ai besoin de mieux comprendre les particularités de HOT et les besoins et aspirations de ces groupes pour pouvoir répondre de manière substantielle aux questions 1 à 3. Pour la communauté mondiale de l'OSM, je pense que HOT fonctionne en quelque sorte comme la conscience de la communauté et je crois que c'est la chose la plus importante qu'il doit continuer à faire.

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Mary Liwhu Marcellinus

The HOT board should see to it that every interest of the members in the regional or global community is being catered for no matter how small it may be just to keep them motivated all time

As board members, there is a need to constantly encourage one another. Respect one another's options and try to reason from the angle the person is coming from and also support with stipends. Also, the board has to be sure that the organisation(HOT) is well equipped in both finances and personnel and oversees the resources.

The staff should be given the power to direct and execute plans roll out by the board.

As for the global community, just as it has been happening. Come together yearly in person to know each other better. And also if possible, established training institutes where everyone in the global community could have the opportunity to be trained there.

Angela Odour Lungati

Transparency remains key for all stakeholders. Proactive engagement with membership, presence, availability and commitment to other board members, support and guidance to staff, and championing HOT’s work would also be important.

Lamine N'diaye

Chad Blevins

1. Consider the current membership model and what it might look like in 3 years. If HOTs membership doubles in size, how would that change the way HOT is currently governed (bylaws) and conducts business.

2. The Board may consider alternative methods for hearing from and engaging regional hubs.

3. Ensure staff are content, well managed, and remain passionate about HOTs mission.

4. Understand what others in the global OSM community are doing and leverage outside expertise as needed.

10. How will you ensure that Audacious continues to be implemented with community as its focus?

Comment allez-vous vous assurer qu'Audacious continue d'être mis en œuvre avec la communauté comme point de mire?

Kate Chapman

As a board member I will continue to ask questions regarding the metrics, processes and strategies being rolled out as part of Audacious. I will continue to ensure local communities are invited to present at the board meetings. I will talk to local community members as I can to find out if their needs are being met.

Anni Beukes

I am a strong advocate of pausing and reflecting along the way. My experience in working with communities – and I see communities as any collective irrespective of location or located-ness, is that one should work with them and not for them. Working with communities is only possible if one listens to them, understands and respects their reality. For Audacious to continue to be implemented with ‘community as its focus’, we will have to evaluate with the various communities in HOT what is working/what not, for whom, where and how? And I believe that only through answering these questions right now – halfway through Audacious, can we ensure that Audacious doesn’t merely remain a project, but actually sets the tone for the future programming and practice of HOT.

Je suis un fervent défenseur de la pause et de la réflexion en cours de route. L'expérience que j'ai acquise en travaillant avec les communautés - et je considère les communautés comme tout collectif indépendamment de leur emplacement ou de leur localisation - est qu'il faut travailler avec elles et non pour elles. Travailler avec les communautés n'est possible que si on les écoute, si on comprend et respecte leur réalité. Pour qu'Audacious continue à être mis en œuvre avec la communauté comme point de mire, nous devrons évaluer avec les différentes communautés de HOT ce qui fonctionne/ce qui ne fonctionne pas, pour qui, où et comment ? Et je crois que ce n'est qu'en répondant à ces questions dès maintenant, à mi-chemin d'Audacious, que nous pourrons faire en sorte qu'Audacious ne reste pas simplement un projet, mais qu'il donne le ton de la programmation et de la pratique futures de HOT.

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Mary Liwhu Marcellinus

As one of the participants in this Regional Hub training, I will implement the knowledge acquired to ensure the continuity of the audacious project of mapping one billion areas of homes come 2025.

I will educate the local communities on the use of map swipe to contribute. And most importantly, Internet data subscription because this is what always keeps them away from contributing as that, internet data subscription is not free in Nigeria. And to discuss with other members how they can be giving the actors(volunteers) stipends to keep them motivated as they are mapping.

Angela Odour Lungati

Within the board, I would work with staff and the community to ensure implementation is still aligned to audacious goals set. I’d avail myself for deeper dive conversations, and active participation in forums discussing the strategy.

Given my presence in East Africa, I’d intentionally work more closely with the regional hub here to provide support, and expand networks.

Lamine N'diaye

if I become a board member, I will continue to ask questions about the results of the Audacious program and the processes and strategies being implemented at the community level through the regional hubs.

the perrenation of presentations by community leaders at board meetings is something I will support as it will allow for continued interaction between the board and the communities but also the inclusiveness of the Audacious program

Chad Blevins

HOT should continue to elevate the role of regional hubs and hire local expertise as much as possible. Encouraging hubs to work directly with different NGOs and government is a proven model for HOT and one I believe they are on track to scale. HOT generally does a great job at capturing and reporting metrics in their annual report and there are likely ways to include more country specific data by modifying existing technology and tooling.