Humanitarian OSM Team/Meetings/TrainingWG/2018-04-09

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Minutes of meeting of the Training Working Group of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

Meeting commenced at 19:00 UTC Monday 9th April 2018 using the Mumble server, but IRC monitored.


Blake Girardot, Melanie Eckle, Michael Heißmeier & Russell Deffner


Trello board for Agenda <>

Rework LearnOSM

The new hints on the introductory page should be moved to the main site.

JOSM Webinar

The timing of the webinar would have to be announced at the next webinar which is due on April 30th.

We agreed that the exact date should be fixed at our next meeting where we also discuss the contents of the webinar and the presenter(s) in greater detail. Blake suggested that we should reserve rather 90 minutes for that event in order to leave enough room for discussion. We still have to decide on the form, will it be just a presentation or rather a training where the audience is expected to follow the steps on their own computers. This would definitely require that they install the software and required plugins beforehand.

Minutes of previous meeting

Date of Next Meeting

23rd April 2018, 18:00 UTC