Humanitarian OSM Team/Open Mapping Hub Eastern and Southern Africa/Open Mapping Grants 2021/Open Mapping Impact Grant Proposal/Proposal/Malawi/Mapping of Municipalities

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Mapping of Municipalities including access to health facilities, Schools, sanitation, water points and waste disposal areas.
To map the municipalities remotely and collect data on the ground in order to geolocate basic social services, private or public
budget (USD)45920
granteeOSM Malawi
organization (if applicable)• malawiosm[at]

Problem statement or statement of opportunity

The statement must include:

  1. what the data gap, or opportunity is
  2. how the data you collect on your project will be used

If the applicant is the data users, the problem statement / letter must explicitly state what the data gap is, and how the data will be used (Max 300 words).

Mangochi municipality sits in the southern region of Malawi, with increased annual population growth from 3.41% in 2011 to 3.61% in 2020 (National Statistical Office of Malawi). The former is a tourist attraction area significantly contributing to Malawi’s economy, and one of the flood disaster prone areas (2019 Cyclone Idai displaced 128 households). Tracking changes in real time with digitally advanced GIS techniques such as creation of base map will touch base distinct areas such as physical urban planning, visual infrastructure development patterns from local, private and government land owners and holistically take Malawi future municipal planning to a higher standard. On top of that, updating community resource locations (schools, hospitals, roads, water kiosks and boreholes), waste disposal management and sanitation features will broadly overwhelm most organizations with relevant geographical data easily attainable. For example, according to DODMA and United Nations Office of the Resident Coordinator report (2019), more sanitary infrastructure, water point facilities for affected people in the IDP camps and communities is needed.

While the OSM Malawi data will contain resilience and flexibility for non-governmental organizations it is also aligning to the government plan of envisioning Mangochi as a city through reforms including those focusing on Environmental Management and Tourism as well as Infrastructure Development. Similarly, the district council also wants to develop urban Structure Plans and Physical Development plans in urban centers of the district. Having said this, Mangochi municipal, facing rare opportunities to create and utilize digital information, alongside citizen participation, to ensure coherent urban planning with strong ownership of communities and investments in disaster- resilient infrastructure will be a pioneer in enabling suitable, sustainable resilient municipals by providing base maps of community resources."

Describe how the solution you are suggesting responds to the data gap / challenge outlined by the data user

Please provide a clear and well defined solution to the data gap / opportunity (Max 400 words) Base-map data is very important as it was requested by the Mangochi Municipal Council. The base map indicates the growth of development in an area and it is for this reason to update the Mangochi base-map to fill the spatial data gap which is very crucial to all development sectors. The Mangochi base-map is outdated and does not truly reflect the current situation of development on the ground. The updating of the Mangochi base-map will help the Municipal Planners to extract data for assessing the level of development in Mangochi and use it as a guide for zoning of town land uses. Updating the Mangochi base-map will help the health sector to check the distribution of health facilities in Mangochi and determine areas that require attention for new healthy facilities. The education sector will also benefit from the data of the updated Mangochi municipality base-map since it will be easy to check which areas have schools and which do not and the base-map will indicate settlements that require schools. The updated base-map will indicate all solid waste management facilities within the municipal boundary and this data will help the Mangochi Municipal Council in the waste management sector to determine areas that require much attention.

The commercial sector of the Mangochi Municipal Council will also benefit from the base-map data as the source of information to know the number, locations and distribution of markets within the municipality and as part of revenue collection of the council as well as determining areas that need markets. The infrastructure services sector will also benefit from the data of the base-map since the base map will indicate the road network within Mangochi and this will be a source of information to know areas that need new roads, upgrading of roads and maintenance. The updated Mangochi base-map will show the existing water points and this will be a very important data to the water sector to check the distribution of potable water in Mangochi and close the gaps if any. Updating of the base-map is multisectoral in nature as many development sectors will benefit to close their data gaps that are existing at the moment. The Mangochi Municipal Council will be able to know the extent of development and achieve a well-coordinated development growth.

Which impact areas does your project best fit?

Choose one of these options (Disaster(s) and Climate Resilience, Public Health, Gender Equality, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Migration & Displacement)

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Describe your project, list project aims and objectives and how you plan to achieve those aims and objectives.

This must include:(1) 1-2 clear aims and/or objectives for your project(2) a practical approach to how you will achieve your aims and/or objectives (3) a practical approach to remote and field mapping that clearly states how data sets (both already existing and generated within the project) will be enriched during planned activities (4) a practical approach to ensuring quality data is uploaded to OSM (consider data collection cleaning, training, validation and any imported data) [300 words max].

"Our objectives are:

  1. To map the municipalities remotely and collect data on the ground in order to geolocate basic social services, private or public
  2. Design and develop a spatial database that is interoperable with other databases developed by other partners in the field.
  3. To ensure that the basic information is available on OpenStreetMap server
  4. To contribute to an OSM social platform to connect and empower the municipality communities through GeOsm portal.

Approach(Remote & Field mapping Approach)

  • Background study and literature review: we will collect all the publications on the issue in question in order to carry out a digital diagnosis. This analysis will constitute the first bank of useful data for the modelling of the communal data register and to refine our data model
  • Production of a communal cartography: we will carry out a remote cartography by digitizing the elements that structure the land use from satellite images. Subsequently, a series of field surveys will be conducted for an exhaustive geolocalised census of basic services and communal infrastructures.
  • Design and implementation of communal infrastructure register: after analyzing the collected data, we will import them to OpenStreetMap

Describe how you will increase the number of OSM contributors in your country

Describe your approach to including women and underrepresented groups in your mapping activities. [300 words max][300 words max].

"The number of contributors will be increased by firstly conducting mapathons, free mapping training seminars will be conducted to encourage the ones that are willing but have no experience. Secondary reviving our social media handles for adverts and invitations that would reach a wider audience by highlighting benefits of the project, just to inspire others. Thirdly, create catch up sessions just to see how members are doing with their work. This will create room for discussion, collaboration and address problems as they arise and we will also be able to get feedback from new members as well as existing members to make them feel involved. Finally, keeping the communication lines; instant messaging, direct contacts and emails open will build trust and many people will join and remain

Our approach to incorporate women and the underprivileged is by firstly training and recruiting both women and people with disabilities. Initiating capacity building for women and the underprivileged.

Address traditional behaviours of gender-based violence, sexual harassment difficulties and doubts about women's physical resilience. Implement a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment. In Malawi, the field of mapping is a male-dominated field.

We could also have career talks in secondary schools to motivate the girls. Girls look to adults to model behaviour so we can have mentors for girls and young women and finally have ways on how to measure change to continue the momentum. What gets measured gets done.

Describe your approach to ethical data collection

Describe your approach to working with the local communities and local authorities in the location you plan to map and / or an approach that integrates key community leaders, gets permissions etc. [300 words max]

At a local government level, firstly we will meet the municipal Council and introduce the project to the District Executive Sub- Committee(DESC) and followed by the District Executive Committee(DEC) to seek authority before we start work we then move to Area Development Committee (ADC) then finally to block leaders.

For the secondary information of all data that is not open we will seek permission from all responsible authorities.

At some point participatory GIS maybe used as one source of information in our mapping before conducting this we will seek permission from the community

Describe how you will approach sharing knowledge

Describe how you will approach sharing knowledge between the different stakeholders (specifically between OSM communities) and how this will benefit the project overall. [300 words max.]

Before and after the project we will hold a stakeholders meeting to explain our work and methodology to be used this will be a benefit to our project as we will be working together with OSM communities in Malawi and other stakeholders interested in leaving no one behind.

Giving feedback and sharing our reports to the stakeholders at every stage and it will benefit us to get feedback. We will have an online dashboard where the basemap and what have been mapped will be shown and available to OSM communities in Malawi and worldwide

Describe any risks that your project might come up against, and how you will mitigate against those risks.

Consider any local, regional, or national policies; logistical blockers that you foresee; knowledge or skills gaps etc [300 words max.].

  1. Mangochi has several cultures that might pose as risks to the project we can mitigate this by Sensitizing the community on and enlightening how it will be beneficial to the community
  2. illiteracy levels are too high and language barrier we can mitigate this by getting translators and interpreters mappers from Mangochi
  3. Government stakeholders pose as a challenge as they feel OSM taken their responsibility- solution a very good Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to feel that they are engaged and OSM is coming to fill in the gaps
  4. Politicians pose as a challenge as they would want to politicise projects we will sensitize the community and explain that the project is not attached to any political party
  5. Chiefs not understanding technology we can mitigate this by sensitization


In the table below, list the name of each of the stakeholders, explain in detail what their role will be, what activities they will be responsible for, and the budget they will be allocated

No Name of community/organization Budget Role [100 words max.] Responsibilities [100 words max.]
1 Municipal council Data users Key beneficially of the project their role is to conduct and sensitize the cities a Mangochi and to give us guidance Pointing out issues related to the area. They also can set up consultation meetings with the stakeholders

They are also mediators, can Advise on policies they will be advisors on the policies on the ground
2 Health sector Data users Data user giving us literature
3 Ministry of lands Data users, Technical Data users and technical they are responsible for valuation important in Proposing new land use and policy making
4 YouthMappers chapters in Malawi Technical All Youthmappers Chapters in Malawi thus CHANCO Malawi Youthmappers,LUARNAR Youthmappers, MUST Youthmappers and MUBAS Youthmappers. These are a vibrant community of mappers in different Universities and their role is to help us in mapping and some field surveys thus they are technical

Tell us why your application is unique, and how the stakeholders involved in your application will compliment eachother to achieve impact

Maps in Malawi are outdated. Most maps are analogue and we would like to move them to digital maps and project them into our local projections in a way that is more tailored to our data. our choice area will be mangochi municipality which currently does not have a digitised basemap. Using GIS , we will add data to a new basemap and map the service facilities, roads, water bodies, and other features and edit the symbology so it looks good at several scales, and publish it on the web so that other communities and our partners can use it. We will create and utilise digital information, encourage citizen participation to ensure coherent urban planning with strong ownership of communities and investment in disaster resilient infrastructure which will enable suitable, sustainable resilient municipalities by providing base maps of Community resources.

Budget Breakdown

Provide a detailed budget breakdown using this template that includes the allocated budget to each of the stakeholders listed above, and a detailed budget breakdown of what the allocated budget will be spent on. you can use this tool to convert your spreadsheet into a wiki table and paste the code below here

Budget overview

Organisation name Total funds allocated
1 4 Youth Mappers Chapters $8,000
2 OSM Malawi $37,920
Total $45,920

Budget detail

ID Organization receiving funds What do you plan to spend the money on? Unit being purchases Expected cost(USD) Total Cost for Budget item Why is it needed
1 OSM Malawi Lawyer 1 500 500 Legal counsel,
2 website 1 500 500
3 Registration 1 500 500 To register the business
4 Transportation (hired car + fuel) 1 4,000 4000 To travel within Lilongwe to Mangochi and other areas
5 Communication 10 35 350 This will include minutes purchased monthly for the purpose of project coordination between the leadership and relevant stakeholders
6 Office Space 6 150 900 To rent a a space where we will be working from.Both in Mangochi Lilongwe
7 Utilities 6 50 300 To cover utility bills during the 6 months of the project
8 Laptops 6 500 3000 To purchase quality Laptops that will be able to process drone data as well as GIS data
9 Internet (Device and Bundles 6 1,000 1000 To purchase a router for internet connectivit and load bundles for affordable internet connection.
10 Stationery 1 300 500 To purchase Sationery that will be utilized during the project; Paper, pens, notepads during the 6 months of the project.
11 Printer/photocopier/scanner 1 2,500 2,500 To purchase a printer, for printing reports, scanning analog maps and photocopying
12 Harddrive 1 500 500 To prchase a hard drive that will be used to store our data
13 Furniture 5 150 1,000 To furnish the workspace for team comfortability and productivity
14 Officers/coodinators allowance 6 200 5000 During the 6 months, this project estimates to involve about 200 people and these people will need some allowances to keep them up and
15 insurance 6 45 270 To pay the insurance company just to ensure property and data
16 Health and saftey 1 500 500 Face masks, Sanitizers, Reflectors and first aid kit
Subtotal 21320
17 Must Youthmappers 1 1000 2000 This will accomodate, allowances, Internet data and other resources
18 Mubas Youth Mappers 1 1000 2000 This will accomodate, allowances, Internet data and other resources
19 Chanco YouthMappers 1 1000 2000 This will accomodate, allowances, Internet data and other resources
20 Luanar Youth Mappers 1 1000 2000 This will accomodate, allowances, Internet data and other resources
21 Drones 4 1500 6000 To purchase 2 drones for collected imageries for Mangochi and its Facilities.
22 Handheld GPs 6 500 3000 To hire handheld GPSs which will be used as traininig tool and for data collection in participatory mapping
23 Allowances for new recruits 50 10 500
24 Drone pilots 4 200 800 This will allow us to acquire up to date imagery Mangoch. drone pilots will be hired African Drone and Data Academy (ADDA). ADDA will provide two more drones for free
25 Drone flying authorization4 100 400 The department of civil aviation requires an authorization to fly for any kind of drone operations.
Subtotal 18700
26 Gender Specialist 1 200 200 To provide assistance in advancing gender equality and female empowerment by ensuring full integration of gender issues in performance monitoring, evaluation, learning, and other activities in our project
27 GIS Specialist 1 200 200 Data management and quality assurance, and reporting
28 Cartographer 1 200 200 Map Preparation, Production and Standard assurance.
29 Project Manager 2 400 4800
30 Miscelleneous 1 500 500 Unforeseen circumstances
Subtotal 5900
Grand total 45920

Project Plan

Describe the key activities/milestones that will make your project a success. This must include:

  1. a clear project design with activities that intersect and compliment each other
  2. a straightforward and equal distribution of activities to demonstrate progress towards a common aim/objective

State which organisation is responsible for achieving this milestone

Give your month-by-month project plan using this template provided. you can use this tool to convert your spreadsheet into a wikitable and paste the code below here

Key project milestones Responsible Month
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6
Describe the key activities / milestones that will make your project a success. w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4
Phase 1 (eg. Administration)
Acquiring authorization from different stakeholders OSM Malawi Leadership, Legal council, City council and National Planning Commission.
Prepare a consitution for OSM Malawi OSM Malawi Leadership
structure and register OSM malawi OSM Malawi Leadership
identifying workspace and acquiring equipment (Furniture,Gadgets and softwares) OSM Malawi Leadership
Consultation meetings with relavant stakeholders OSM Malawi Leadership
Phase 2 (eg. Data collection)
Public and stakeholder awareness OSM Malawi,Disrict Executive Committee(DEC), District Executive Sub-Committee(DESC)(Malawi)
Collecting secondary or existing data from other mapping communities e.g MASDAP OSM Malawi
Conducting Mapathons and trainings for newly recruited members OSM Malawi
Defining the boundary and site inspection OSM Malawi, CHANCO Malawi Youthmappers
Remote mapping of health facilities LUARNAR Youthmappers
Remote mapping of waste disposal areas MUBAS Youthmappers
Remote mapping of schools MUST Youthmappers
Training in participatory mapping Malawi OSM ,CHANCO Youhmappers,LUARNAR Youhmappers,MUST Youthmappers,MUBAS youthmappers
Filed work, collecting coordinates of the health facilities,schools and waste disposal OSM Malawi, Youthmappers
Overlaying the data of the existing data OSM, Youthmappers
Analyze data according to the needs of the stakeholders OSM, YouthMappers
Phase 3 (eg. Data validation)
Validation training for OSM community members and Humanitarian OpenstreetMap(HOT), OSM Malawi
Missing data capturing OSM Malawi, Youthmappers
Visualization through map production OSM Malawi
Phase 4 (eg. Closing)
Circulation of the draft Map OSM Malawi Leadership
Reporting to all stakholders OSM Malawi Leadership
Adressing and incorporating the comments from stakeholders OSM Malawi Leadership
Submission of the products to all beneficiaries OSM Malawi Leadership, OSM Community Members and Youthmappers Chapters in Malawi,National Planning Commission,Ministry of Lands,Ministry of Health and Ministry of Gender

Declare any conflict of interest


By submitting this application to the Open Mapping Hub Eastern and Southern Africa, you certify the information contained in this application is correct, and that if you are awarded a grant, you will use it only for the purposes described above. You will provide written documentation and receipts for all of your expenses to demonstrate this. You understand that the decisions made by the Open Mapping Grants committee are final.


Your community members are encouraged to endorse your project request here!

HOT staff, voting members and board members are welcome to endorse, and give feedback to all proposals. However, those who are taking part in the selection process will not be endorsing or giving feedback due to conflict of interest.

Instructions for Endorsement

- Log in to the wiki if you are not already logged in.
- Scroll down to Endorsements and click 'Edit source'. 
- Add your reason for the endorsement followed by four tilde signs --~~~~ 
Note: The ~~~~ automatically inserts your name and the current date.

Below is an example an endorsement.

  • I fully endorse this project - strong idea and detailed project plan --Kateregga1 (talk) 14:51, 7 December 2021 (UTC)