Humanitarian OSM Team/Working groups/Data Quality Control and Assurance/Tasking Manager Project Gardening 2024

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This document documents the workflow for 'cleaning up' HOT's Tasking Manager, specifically archiving projects that are outdated. HOT has a duty to ensure that volunteers are not spending their time on projects where the data needs have since moved on.

It has used the prior round of gardening (which took place in 2022) as a template / process to repeat.

First Drafted June 10, 2024

Last Update: June 27, 2024


  • Project Gardening steps shared with Data Quality Control and Assurance Working Group for comments and approval. This was done on 13 June 2024 (see notes [Google Doc]).
  • List of all Tasking Manager projects and their metadata used to filter projects using the inputs described below in phases 1, 2 and 3.
  • Shortlist of project IDs for each phase provided to HOT's tech team who can conduct mass status changes for Tasking Manager projects using SQL query in minutes.
  • Custom mass messages can be sent by HOT's Tech Team for each phase (see templates for each phase below). They will appear in projects which are undergoing status changes in the 'Questions and Comments' section.
  • Each phase outlined below will take place separately (i.e. one-at-a-time), starting with Phase 1, to ensure targeted messaging is sent to project creators at each phase and to reduce complexity.

Phase 1

In this phase, we will look at archiving projects that no longer have a reason to remain active on the Tasking Manager, i.e. they are completely mapped and validated.

The criteria for archiving in Phase 1 is…

  • 100% mapped and 100% validated

Steps to take for archiving:

  • Message the project creator (author) with message below in the Questions and Comments section, seven days later archive the project:

Tasking Manager message:

Hi #author This project has been scheduled for archival in seven days because it is 100% mapped and validated. This action will archive your project, not delete it, so the project will still be accessible but contributions will be locked. This is occuring as part of a 'Project Gardening' process, more info can be found here:


  • [Number] projects fitting Phase 1 criteria were archived [Date]

Phase 2

In this phase, we will archive projects that are not completely mapped and validated but are so old that it is likely the data needs have moved on.

The criteria for archiving in Phase 2 are:

  • Projects older than January 1, 2023
    • Check priority of the projects; “Urgent” projects should be addressed first as they will go stale more rapidly than lower priorities
    • If necessary, check imagery and instructions to see if they are up-to-date

Steps to take for archiving:

  • 14 days before archiving: message the community to reply if they have project(s) older than 2023 that they still need, to inform the working group
    • Message sent to HOT Mailing List as priority
    • Message sent to general channel on HOT Slack
    • Banner placed on Tasking Manager
    • Message in project's Questions and Comments section (see below for draft)
  • Post-archiving: message all project creators who's projects were archived (see below for drafts) in Questions and Comments section of archived projects

Tasking Manager messages:

Hi #author This project has been scheduled for archival in fourteen days because it was created before January 1 2023. If you are actively using this project, please contact to request that this project not be archived. Archiving will not delete your project, so you and the public will still be able to access it. You are free to re-publish the project after it is archived but please ensure that the instructions, imagery, metadata and permissions are up to date; in many cases it may be better to create a new project if a project is as old as this one is. This is occurring as part of a Project Gardening process, more info can be found here:

Hi #author This project has been archived because it was created before January 1 2023. This action has archived your project, not deleted it, so you and the public will still be able to access it. You are free to re-publish the project, but please ensure that the instructions, imagery, metadata and permissions are up to date; in many cases it may be better to create a new project if a project is as old as this one is. This is occurring as part of a Project Gardening process, more info can be found here:


  • [Number] projects fitting Phase 2 criteria were archived [Date]

Phase 3

In this phase, we will archive projects that are still set to load Maxar imagery. Access to Maxar imagery for improving OpenStreetMap was lost in June 2023 (see diary post), any projects that are still set to load Maxar imagery have likely lapsed in their management by their project creators, because it has not been available for over one year.

The criteria for archiving in Phase 3 are:

  • Projects that have the imagery that is set to load by default as either:
    • Maxar Premium
    • Maxar Standard
    • Any custom TMS URL that contains 'digitalglobe' in the URL

Steps to take for archiving:

  • 14 days before archiving: message the community to reply if they have project(s) that are still set to Maxar imagery.
    • Message sent to HOT Mailing List as priority
    • Message sent to general channel on HOT Slack
    • Message in project's Questions and Comments section (see below for draft)
  • Post-archiving: message all project creators who's projects were archived (see below for drafts) in Questions and Comments section of archived projects

Tasking Manager messages:

Hi #author This project has been scheduled for archival in fourteen days because it is still set to load Maxar imagery which has not been available for over a year. If you are actively using this project, please contact to request that this project not be archived. Archiving will not delete your project, so you and the public will still be able to access it. You are free to re-publish the project after it is archived but please ensure that the project is set to another imagery source rather than Maxar. This is occurring as part of a Project Gardening process, more info can be found here:

Hi #author This project has been archived because it is still set to load Maxar imagery which has not been available for over a year. This action has archived your project, not deleted it, so you and the public will still be able to access it. You are free to re-publish the project after it is archived but please ensure that the project is set to another imagery source rather than Maxar. This is occurring as part of a Project Gardening process, more info can be found here:


  • [Number] projects fitting Phase 2 criteria were archived [Date]