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Public-images-osm logo.svg seamark:beacon_lateral:shape
The shape of a Lateral Beacon. Edit this description in the wiki page. Edit this description in the data item.
Group: marine navigation
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Documented values: 1
Status: de facto

The shape of a Lateral Beacon (BCNLAT)


Shape (BCNSHP) seamark:beacon_lateral:shape Definition Rendering
Stake, Pole, Perch or Post stake
An elongated wood or metal pole, embedded in the bottom to serve as a navigational aid or a support for a navigational aid. NChart-Symbol INT Stake.svg
Withy withy A tree without roots stuck or spoiled into the bottom of the sea to serve as a navigational aid. NChart-Symbol INT Withy Port.svgNChart-Symbol INT Withy Starboard.svg
Beacon tower tower A solid structure of the order of 10 metres in height used as a navigational aid. Beacon Tower.png
Pile beacon pile A long heavy timber(s) or section(s) of steel, wood, concrete, etc., forced into the seabed to serve as an aid to navigation or as a support for an aid to navigation. Beacon Pile.png
Lattice beacon lattice A structure consisting of strips of metal or wood crossed or interlaced to form a structure to serve as an aid to navigation or as a support for an aid to navigation. Beacon Pile.png
Cairn cairn A mound of stones, usually conical or pyramidal, raised specifically for maritime navigation. Beacon Cairn.png
Buoyant beacon buoyant A tall spar-like beacon fitted with a permanently submerged buoyancy chamber, the lower end of the body is secured to seabed sinker either by a flexible joint or by a cable under tension. Beacon Pile.png

See also